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REQ:JAT super scalping system


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I was a trader in Ed's room in 2010....his system is very easy to watch, but when you watch him....he doesn't trade the same as his record. We had 13-15 traders and only 2-3 could trade with positive results. He does most of his money making in the early am, and by the time the room was open he had his limit, so when it came to trading in the room, he just wasn't as sharp.

He has great numbers, but if you follow his entries you will see he will $$ cost average, based on his entries. He doesn't do that in the room. I like Ed, 1 on 1 his is very good, but trading in a group in had the patience of a gnat at times. But he does make the money he states in his stats they are legit. His auto trader, does not go on and stay on, he turn it on/off and only trades with the major trend.

His auto trader was based on bluewaves, but had 2 cci filters-20 and 50. Used 3.01 ATR, which would only trigger a color change when and only when the CCI crossed the zero line.

This is his trend indicator based on an earlier version of his auto: http://www.sendspace.com/file/1xalr5

Edited by tradernate
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