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I have lots of cracked NT indicators and systems


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I am new to this forum. This is my first post.


I'd like to share some of these warez and in return get some other NT indies and strats unlocked. Unlocked means a cracked dll. the source can be extracted. What's the best way to do this?


Also, I need to understand some of this lingo: "educate"


Is it okay to posts real links here or do they need to be changed?


Thanks for your help.

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educated means cracked. by the way, do you have orderflowdash pro or ofa? better to change some letters on links.


Thanks for the reply. No I don't have order flowdash.


To my way of thinking, there are 2 possible things to get; one is a cracked dll that doesn't require a machine ID or license # etc. Two is an unlocked dll which can be opened to reveal the source. These are more valuable--at least to me--because they can be modified and possibly improved.


Perhaps I can make a list of my collection soon.


What is the most efficient way to make these scripts available for downloading?

Edited by yamantaka
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