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VPS for trading

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Hi everyone,


I was just wondering what is the current situation regarding the virtual private servers (VPS) for trading purposes? I have seen some Metatrader VPS offers, some general trading VPS offers, but quite very few of them overall and rather expensive at that. Is that all there is? Is anyone using something like that? How much do you pay for it? What parameters does it have and are you happy with it?

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Great, thank you.

I also received a message from user "pro" (not sure why he didn't post it here) with a tip to commercialnetworkservices.com and their basic Trader's VPS Value Edition for around 32 $ / month (though he also mentioned that he is an affiliated with them).


Maybe if more people tell their experience we could make a list of VPS offers suitable for trading, I could maintain the overview in the first post. Just an idea..

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  • 2 weeks later...
can someone pls recommend a good vps which doesn't cost more than $9.99/m ?


It depends what you need it for. For trading or for other purposes? Should it be a true virtualization where you can run any OS you want or a container-like pseudo-virtualization would be good enough for you? Do you need to have some guaranteed CPU power for your VPS or just "what's left" for you? The same question goes for hard drives. What about network latency and bandwidth, do you need a low latency and/or high bandwidth? If you intend to transfer a large amount of data then you are also interested in the monthly traffic quota for your VPS. What about reliability of the service in general, a stability of VPS (it wouldn't crash/reset on its own), an availability of the data you store there (it won't get lost due to a hard drive failure)?


Questions like that you would need to ask to avoid choosing something totally unusable for you. There are cheap VPS providers and the quality of their services vary a lot. There is also a community, quite a huge one, around cheap VPS phenomenon where people are basically trying and benchmarking various cheap VPS and write reviews for the others. Perhaps the best place like that is LEB: http://www.lowendbox.com/.



In short, if you want something reliable and high-quality then you can't get it for the price you are asking. For cheap VPS all those questions I indicated would be answered "no". They are mostly OpenVZ based, that means linux containers, not a true virtualization. There is a linux kernel for the whole host server and all VPS must use it (thus must use only linux software that's compatible with that kernel). There is no or next to none resources reservation and a very poor scheduling (scheduling is a mechanism how the resources are shared between multiple clients), meaning that if someone uses too much of CPU all other VPS on the same server are hurt. Same goes for hard drives, network, basically everything. A huge problem there is with the memory, that's related to over-committing of the host server resources.

Resources overcommitment basically means that they are selling more hardware resources (more VPS per server) than they really physically have and they are hoping (based on statistics) that not all VPS will want to use all resources at the same time. It's like the banks - if you put money there they lend it away so it won't be there if a lot of people decide at the same time to withdraw (a.k.a. "a bank run"). Over-committing of CPU, disks and network is easily done, it all will just be shared among more VPS thus for each it will be slower. The problem is with the memory, though, because memory can't be shared like that (a memory used by one VPS can't be logically used by other VPS), each VPS is "supposed" to have some amount of memory reserved for it. But this doesn't happen with cheap VPS, you will never see a word "reserved" on any of their websites. So when your VPS needs a memory that the host server can't really provide at the moment what happens is that the server will silently use a hard drive for it. That's generally known as swapping only in this case they will pretend you are still using the real memory, so while other resources will gradually become slower and slower the memory speed will abruptly drop by several grades. The more honest VPS providers call this fake memory a "burst memory" or otherwise distinguish it, other VPS providers will unfortunately never tell the truth.


In very short, if you are interested mostly in network transfers (torrenting etc.) where a network latency or VPS density or the level of overcommitment is not an issue for you then you will find a good VPS under $10. If you are interested in VPS for general non-important use or toying and don't mind the linux environment you will also be ok. But if you are looking for low-density low-latency no-overcommitment VPS with solid resources scheduling and guaranteed limits (all of that might be crucial if you want to use it for the real trading) then you won't and can't find anything like that for that price. They may lie to you that you will get that even for a low price but if you do your math you will see it's impossible. What's actually the real issue here is that you will never ever know how the hardware resources are scheduled and shared no matter what price level the VPS is at, so there is no guarantee that even a VPS for hundreds of dollars will be any better. Most probably it will but you have no way of knowing by how much.


If you think about it from the VPS providers point of view they will always do the same thing: measure the average use of their VPS customers and all the rarely used resources that they find they sell again (and again) thus if any VPS suddenly starts behaving differently it may have a performance or even a functional impact on all the other VPS regardless of the price tag. I may seem to be stressing the obvious but the fact is that this is not obvious for everyone and really the least thing any trader would want is to lose money because of the greed of VPS providers.

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Recomend for Asian Trader, you can use iconvps.com , i'm sure and recomend for Expert Advisor.

IconVps use Base OS Windows Server

Maybe you can try it.




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"Indonesia Forex Community"

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how much price if i pay by $?


Are you really asking, on a forex forum, what's the rate between two currencies? Seriously?


You can get a free VPS from Amazon - well the first year is free. Look here for more info:




You should link the original website, not some amateurish review: http://aws.amazon.com/free/


There are 2 information important there:


1) it's a micro instance, that means the lowest possible CPU power you can get

2) there is only 15 GB monthly bandwidth which of course includes the traffic you generate by remotely administering it, that means that if you are not careful you can virtually suck all those 15 GB in just a few hours, if not minutes

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Are you really asking, on a forex forum, what's the rate between two currencies? Seriously?




You should link the original website, not some amateurish review: http://aws.amazon.com/free/


There are 2 information important there:


1) it's a micro instance, that means the lowest possible CPU power you can get

2) there is only 15 GB monthly bandwidth which of course includes the traffic you generate by remotely administering it, that means that if you are not careful you can virtually suck all those 15 GB in just a few hours, if not minutes


I guess the old adage that you get what you pay for applies here. BTW, I referenced the other site because it explains how to set up the VPS and it was not an affiliate link. I originally went to the aws.amazon site but their lingo was foreign to me and I couldn't figure it out.

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The best VPS would be offered from your live account broker and it is worth only when you trade lot of EAs. But after while EAs are not profitable. Other problem with VPS is that brokers have sophisticated software's to decipher your strategies if they are successful! Be careful what you wish for...


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