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QM data problem from switching form MC 6 into MC8.0, need help!!!


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Does anyone know the following problem?


I am switching from MC 6 into MC8.0. both on XP (x32)

I copy the old three .gdb files into MC 8.0 , but the MC 8.0 quote manager can not show the data.

From MC8.0, I can see the correct start date of the tick data and minute data, but the very data is not shown in the quote manager data window below.

Does any expert knows how to fix the problem??

Or if I can only use export and import functions to transfer the tick data from different versions of Multicharts???

Thank you so very much for helping me!!

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Does anyone know the following problem?


I am switching from MC 6 into MC8.0. both on XP (x32)

I copy the old three .gdb files into MC 8.0 , but the MC 8.0 quote manager can not show the data.

From MC8.0, I can see the correct start date of the tick data and minute data, but the very data is not shown in the quote manager data window below.

Does any expert knows how to fix the problem??

Or if I can only use export and import functions to transfer the tick data from different versions of Multicharts???

Thank you so very much for helping me!!



Every version of MC uses different formats (surely for fear of the hackers lol) , so I'm afraid it's useless to copy the files in the databases folder from a version to the over :(

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is it possible to edit or adjust the .gdb files for moving them between different MC versions??


Thank you very much for kind help.


Ammm..... :-?


Not sure there's a gdb editor outhere :))





1/ if you have a "decent" broker, you have only to introduce in QM the last contracts names and you will have again all your ticks data. For example, lets say you trade the euro/dollar future (6E), and that you want the data for december 2010: you just choose among the contracts available the following one : 6EZ10 (or EU6Z10 if you are by CQG) , and you have all the past ticks you want.


2/ if not, then you have to export/import the data into QM. On the 6.0 version, right click on the instrument, export, choose ASCII or "export instruments" and save somewhere in your hard drive. Then on version 8, right click, import, ascii or "import instruments", and ...voilà :)


Hope that helps :)

Edited by mambo123
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Thank you for your help.

So, does it seem that gdb files can only be copied and used within the same version of MC? Moreover, even between MC8 x64 and MC8 x32, gdb files are not compatible. Then..... Thank you for your kind help.

Exporting tick data of all symbols takes a lot of time, by the way.

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