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Just released today. Latest improved indie package. According to Bala, <<New Zip file has the new all powerful GMM Amplitude " which is very accurate and fast for catching trends and reversals.>>


http://[email protected]/file/pxcgxo


I believe futuretrader has taken a leave of absence. Bassmark may be the only one here to educate. If so, a big TY in advance for your work.

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yes true that taka. always chopping and changing his stuff, and consequently it appears he is now giving in to those paid subscribers who want to see and use indicators that utilise the true price action levels instead of just order /transactional flow.
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G'day Mick. Not any more mate, I think he has recently deleted the non paying subscribers from his list after the ver 1.02 release so not receiving any invites. water off a duck's back mate cos I couldn't stand more than 5 mins in his room. right now I just wanna see if his autotraders will live up to all the hype. Cheers matey!
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Bala is releasing a swing trader auto very soon. Like before, he claims it will make $000s/month trading one oil contract overnight. He said it will have a stop--a very large one.


I've come realize he is simply a man searching for a profitable method to sell and is no smarter or better than anyone else in this business. He has often asked his students to share there profitable methods with him since his room is a "family." Yup, a family where he collects monthly fees from the members.


I'd like to be his programmer. That person is making money.

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Hurry up guys, don't miss the boat :D




Breaking News = Super Results on Auto Trader - Auto Guru on CL



Eminifutures BuySell


4:48 PM (9 hours ago)


to Balasubrahmani., bcc: me

see attached.


more results to come.


$53K - 1 contract - 8.5 months - CL


If you are interested to subscribe to our Auto Trader Packages and you have still not become

a paid member - this is your Last Chance !


I will be closing down the membership soon - as big demand for our auto trader is being seen.


Please reply back if you are serious.

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Bala said he ran that backtest with Renko bars and admitted they have no bearing on reality. All of us here know Renkos suck for backtesting but paint a wonderful picture of false profitability to the unknowing.


He also said he sent out that email to get interest from those on the fence who haven't subscribed with an autotrader that he no longer supports, so he's effectively admitting he engaged in false advertising to drum up business.


Now, I might have to rethink my opinion of him. He's either plain ****** or a snake oil salesman. Or probably some combination thereof.

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Yup! The red flag went up for me when he sent out an email stating he was going to unveil his new Secret Sauce indicator or strategy. I was quickly reminded of Dennis Boltz a successful trader who also had a secret sauce indicator. He had live trading seminars in his multi-million dollar house and gave thousands to charities. I guess his real success was conning struggling traders into letting him trade their money. His Secret Sauce landed him in prison for at least 20 years and left investors without the millions they trusted him with. So remember there could be others out in the trading forums giving the appearance of success whose intent might be the same. Just a word of caution. Not saying Bala's like that but man, keeping track those hundred templates,charts and stuff is crazy.
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Here's his last email (along with some files i didn't bother to look at)


"Except for the $7000 drawdown - strategy very good after incl commissions"


=)) =))


I don't even know why i am not subscribing from this joker's list. OH.. wait.. there is no unsubscribing link! He just spams me with his **** :)

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