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btw this is BS Bala's most recent webinar invite. Swing Trading and Auto Trading Webinar Invite Sep 21st 2013.

"Novelty in Chess applied to Auto Trading.Most Super GM's like Vishy and Kramnik use novelties. We will show you a novelty on Auto Trading which no trader in the world knows !

We will reveal how with Limited Capital $5000 you can make consistent profits in both Auto Trading and Swing trading. We will reveal a major secret on Auto Trading

to eliminate Drawdown which no one knows. DO NOT MISS"

Essentially he shows his new "pride and joy", his GMM ATM Machine and also claims that in 2 weeks he will release his "highly coveted" GMM Market Guru which will transform the world of autotrading AND that he will be closing membership to his indies because thousands are after his indies and autotraders, blah blah blah, and the beat goes on.......ptooi!

Here's the link of his webinar on YT


his dropbox link:


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bala inadvertently sent the last script file with all the indicators and strategies in .cs files. Although he didn't tell members what's going on because he doesn't want them to know they have the source code on their machines, he is sending out a new script and told everyone to uninstall NT and reload it if they want to new script to load. The new script is simply the last one except the file is .dll locked. Bala is effectively is having them wipe out the custom NT file so they won't realize the source is already there. ROFLMAO


Enjoy. This one is from bala himself.



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I thought that's what was happening...very odd to have to completely uninstall NT because of a code error in an indicator.


He just announced that he is sending out a script file to all of those with v1.07...I guess so that it is made inoperable.


Still, even with the complete code "free" (from the provider) not sure if any of the GMM stuff has any value.





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@tryit, I haven't found anything in the GMM world that isn't available elsewhere. All of this stuff is moving average based in one form or another. Open up NT editor and take a look at any of the indicators and you'll see what I mean.


His last chance to show something that can make money on a consistent basis is the new autotraders. Right now, they have a very large drawdown which he is working on making smaller.

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Was the GMMF16 ever educated to 32 bit or cs ?


i think the original market guru indicator is good for adding as long as its filtered

with a volume indicator


and the Autoguru2 with the different instruments is very usefull if you want to analyse multiple markets in one look,


so i have to admit some tools have some merit and some usefullness.


at least imho.


Take care all

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  minch said:
remove these lines in GmmIndicatorBase.cs and GmmStrategyBase.cs and recompile.


Hi Minch,


I also removed this line


bool enforceLicense = true; in order to get rid of compilation errors in GMMIndicatorsBase.cs


However, there are still compilation errors in GmmStrategyBase.cs (which I don't know how to correct)


Thanks for your advice !

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The GMMordeflow indicator doesn't show up in the zipp file but after import it's in your indicator list .

But it's not visible in the list with open indicators when you go to tools-> edit ninjascript . ?

This one is still asking for a licence check !! and is causing the problem .


Maybe the indicator imports under a different name but shows up as GMMorderflow .


We have to search for a licence check in one of the indicators to remove it .

Maybe this is the solution ??

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Omaron told us in a post a few weeks ago that Bala was very impressed with his autotrader results and would work on the -7,000$ Drawdown.


Well, looks like he solved that...received the email results from him last night with the Drawdown now between -10,900$ to -11,700$...nice work!


This fellow could be worse than the Wireman bloke when it comes to cherry-picking trades...


It never ends!





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I put all the indi on one chart and no error whatsoever. Everything seemed to be drawing correctly.


I also verified the strategies and they are good and running meaning no error. I set the trading hours from 90000 to 240000 but nothing is happening so I'm going to assume I need to set a few more parameters.


Overall, everything looks good!!


By the way, are there any doc to these indi/strategies?

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