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[REQ] Deltix Institutional Trading Platform


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Has anyone else tried this out or are they all just waiting for a more stable solution first?


By the way, here is the link to the stable version of deltix:





Dear John1,

Well , i would like to give it a try & find out its real advantages in my routine day to day trading. what i would like to know is 'can this software work with full functionality with the udf's genuine keys'?

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Dear John1,

Well , i would like to give it a try & find out its real advantages in my routine day to day trading. what i would like to know is 'can this software work with full functionality with the udf's genuine keys'?


It should work with his key, just like all other versions, since the key is verified with the server. But, this is still only a short-term fix.

Edited by John1
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John1, why you keep sending me e-mails with questions regarding fxmozart's crack? I just received probably 4th or 5th e-mail from you today. If you want to discuss his work you should ask him, I am not his spokesperson. I already told you at the very beginning that I don't have time to deal with this so I really don't understand why you keep pushing me.


[spoiler=crying over spilt milk]And no, I haven't tried his crack, I don't need to. I only checked the very first file he posted here and then just looked at the datetime of files in his "timebase crack" and that, combined with what he was saying, was enough for me. First he "fixed" the .NET file in the worst possible way. Then he created the keygenerator that is not useful at all because there is already a keygenerator built-in directly in the Deltix software and you can simply just run it any time you want without any bullshit, then he was trying to fix some more than a year old obsolete files, and his last creation, the license server emulation, that's like scratching behind your right ear using your left hand. Every other software in the world has some kind of online check built-in these days and do you see the cracks being made as license servers emulators? Of course not, it's nonsense.


I admit that me telling him that he is doing it wrong without being specific maybe was not very helpful and maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut but I was just being honest. If I see something wrong I say it, it's the very least I can do. It took him weeks to "discover" (in #41) what even an average programmer, actually even a developer, would spot in a few minutes max. Just think about it: weeks vs minutes. The very same short period of time would take even an average person to find out the built-in keygenerator. That he obviously haven't discovered at all yet. From his CV (that you pointed out to me) it is clear that the kid is an application developer, not a system programmer, let alone a hacker (as in "hacking the code", not "kids hacking websites"). He has no formal education nor any expertise with the reverse engineering and on top of that he seems to be quite very confused.

His explanation in #48 defending making license server emulator by saying that it will more probably work with Deltix updates as opposite to simply removing the online check which would not work with Deltix updates is a pure nonsense as every normally thinking person surely must understand that if Deltix people want they can always release a new version that will break the old crack no matter what the crack was based on, that's just a simple logic. There are only downsides of license server emulator, not a single one upside. Surprisingly in #55 he all of sudden notices that removing the online check would be much easier, yet 48 minutes later in #56 he reverts back to his opinion that emulating license server is better because the online check crack would have to be recompiled for a new Deltix version and that is bad because it would take at least 5 minutes. So recompiling the crack is somehow bad, but changing the license server emulator (for which you would first need to decompile and research the Deltix software so that you could find out what responses the changed emulator is supposed to give) is somehow better. Lot of logic here, indeed.

In #45 he gives a URL that doesn't exist and he even repeats it again in #48 even after I told him in #47 that the URL doesn't exist. What person would do that? What person would actually give any URL before trying it first himself? What logic is in that? And to top it off he even writes in #48 "you can check the license by going to : https://www.deltixlab.com/api.php simply"! So he is telling you to go to the URL while he himself obviously never bothered to go to that URL himself, not even after he is told that the URL doesn't exist. Seriously, who would do such a thing? I have only 2 possible explanations for this kind of behavior: either an endless arrogance (as in "I am always right so I don't need to check what I am saying and I don't need to listen what the others are telling me") or some problem related to the brain functions.

I don't understand neither his logic nor what he is saying, his words are in English but it's more as if it was some strange gibberish. What's funny is that he himself admits (in #96) that he is routinely told he is hard to understand, yet he doesn't do anything about that as probably any other normal person would. What's even more funny is that he finds that funny. He is wasting time with some obsolete, over a year old version of Deltix even though I posted here an updated version (obviously again the same attitude "I don't need to listen to others"), he can't even get my damn nick right. Nick of only 3 (three) letters, mind you. I appreciate he is trying something, it's voluntary so no doubt it's admirable, I get it he is young and enthusiastic and all, but he is totally confused and doesn't listen, there is no talking to him. If I had to explain to him and teach him everything what he is missing I would most likely sooner end up in a madhouse and if not I would have to spend so much time with him that I could instead just crack the software myself and get it over with, but unfortunately I don't have time for that, I am sorry.


Now of course I will be the bad guy for telling the truth and driving fxmozart away because he won't stand the rightful criticism (though presented in a kinda lampooning way, I admit) which is exactly what I was trying to avoid by not saying any of what I just said. It's your fault, you pushed me. Well, at least I gave you the genuine license key so that you can try the software for real, at least for a while. Please don't send me e-mails about fxmozart anymore.


(By the way I couldn't answer you in e-mail because it seems that your mail server is refusing accepting e-mails from my mail server.)


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Sorry, I didn't know if you received my email messages or not. You used to have a function that would allow people to send you email messages through the site, you responded to those messages, but after you disabled that option, I thought my direct emails were being marked as spam. It is not my fault that you disabled the option, abruptly.


About the crack. He didn't crack an old version, he cracked one of the newest in the end (you can check the link I posted in the last page), and the problem is that it is very unstable. He also didn't end up doing the web-page crack, he ended up modifying some DLLs and the java license files, etc. He was originally confused by another version of QO called DCS, apparently, but he then moved on to the desktop/server version. I asked you, because you said something about a guarantee before, perhaps I misinterpreted that statement.

Edited by John1
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Cool thank you , i'll test that one , and crack it.. have been away/working.


John1 : you really should read the manual , even the dev version you posted SHOULD work as far as :


writing/testing strategies, logging currenex , ib , etc ...



I couldn't find how to actually rewrite /write the plugins from scratch, has anyone found out yet ?

-It seems the dev version can't actually store data from plugins (in Live setups) (have been trying with currenex, and ib, seems like it's not doing anything)..Will test with thankyou version.

Edited by fxmozart
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Look in the /docs folder there is an example to work with IQ feed.


See : file:///Volumes/C/Program%20Files/Deltix/QuantServer/docs/guide/aggregator/iqfeedagg.html



Anyways i think we are missing things see in the docs file the picture is like this in qsadmin :




But i have only get data, trading connector , and aggregate?



Apart from this, nearly finished my first data connector for MT4 (lets one get live data from mt4).

Edited by fxmozart
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Et voila ... MT4 Adaptor for deltix .. DONE and up running (fast.) :


24 Apr 18:00:37 STARTUP QuantServer Version: 4.3.27A.23930

24 Apr 18:00:37 STARTUP QuantServer Home: C:\Program Files\Deltix\QuantServerHome

24 Apr 18:00:37 STARTUP QuantServer Port: 1299

24 Apr 18:00:39 INFO


* *

* Aggregator Version: 4.3.27A.23930 *

* Platform: NET64 *

* TimeBase: dxtick://localhost:8011 *

* Deltix Home: C:\Program Files\Deltix\QuantServer *

* QuantServer Home: C:\Program Files\Deltix\QuantServerHome *

* Aggregator Monitor: http://WIN-8L9M0VROMRL:1299/agg *

* Local TimeZone: Central European Summer Time (Europe/Paris, UTC+02:00) *

* *



24 Apr 18:00:44 INFO [TickDBClient] Connected

24 Apr 18:00:44 INFO [Aggregator] Activate aggregator

24 Apr 18:00:45 INFO [PROCESS:PROVIDER] Activate aggregator process

24 Apr 18:00:46 INFO Start Security Metadata update monitoring.

24 Apr 18:00:46 INFO [PROCESS:PROVIDER] Start process activity

24 Apr 18:00:46 INFO FrameworkServlet 'rpc': initialization started

24 Apr 18:00:47 INFO FrameworkServlet 'rpc': initialization completed in 487 ms

24 Apr 18:00:47 STARTUP QuantServer started (11 seconds).

24 Apr 18:00:48 INFO [LIVE:PROVIDER] Instruments to load: [EURUSD:FX]

24 Apr 18:00:49 INFO Test logger= current provider id :CTPFeedFactory broker id :MT

24 Apr 18:00:49 INFO inside the MT4 connector

24 Apr 18:00:49 INFO MT4 Feed 1.0

24 Apr 18:00:49 INFO [LIVE:PROVIDER] Connector status changed: CONNECTED_BY_USER

24 Apr 18:00:49 INFO MT4 Provider Subscribing to instrument :EURUSD

24 Apr 18:00:51 INFO received instrument data (before parse)2013/04/24 19:00 1.29957 1.29977

24 Apr 18:00:51 INFO got full message: 2013/04/24 19:00 1.29957 1.29977

24 Apr 18:00:52 INFO received instrument data (before parse)2013/04/24 19:00 1.29956 1.29974






PS : i can now write ANY adapter for ANY platform , Fix, non fix, MT4 ,Tradestation , whatever ...Pull up requests .

Edited by fxmozart
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^That's for the unstable version, though. Would you really want to use it in a production trading environment, considering the risks?


Also, for metatrader. Have you experienced any major latency differences in importing data directly from currenex vs metatrader?

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Bandito :Just make a directory in qsadmin .


john1: yes actually the UHF , doesn't work really good , true , it doesn't even launch with the timebase....Have to recompile it under stable version...But stable version isn't net 4 , which sux .


John1: i don't import data, i wrote a straight live MT4 tick collector provider // trader, so there's no latency issues (apart if your computer is slow)....As for differences, major in terms of spreads , but MT4 is quite good to run little tests on.

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Well , so far my plugin works as it collects data, but the uhf server doesn't ..Any deployed strategy bugs with :


26 Apr 07:25:52 SEVERE Deployment of "2" terminated with error: Can't Connect TimeBase.

cli.Infrastruct.Utils.QTException: Can't Connect TimeBase.

at cli.QuantOffice.Connection.TimebaseConnection.Connect(Unknown Source)



Caused by: cli.System.Exception: Server QSC version is incompatible. Error list:

deltix.qsrv.hf.pub.uhf.ModuleState.Undeployed is missing, or not in position #6


Algorithms are working though ..


Strange cause pretty sure i had this working on the first uploaded version which had other problems though..


I could upload the MT4 , but all it does is collect data into timebase, which can be ran with strategyrunner, but not with UHF live trader (as it bugs) ..(so might as well just use csv's than a live , thus slow collector).



Going to erase everything and start over, with each versions.

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UHF Net/Java framework 4 , IKVM last ==WORKS 100% .(+with templates and all, Visual studio plugin 2010/2012)


Sendspace auto exe archive (it unzips itself)


2 files (sendspace only accepts 300mb, so made 2 files which auto unzips):








One zip :





passwords are indo




No linux versions ...




Also for those looking to integrate ib , here's how to make it work :



In time base your symbols must be formatted like this in their names :




E.G :








Found this by decompiling the ib connector :

Around there:


String[] splittedSymbol = StringUtils.split(symbol, "#", true, false);





See live strategy running on my MT4 connector + UHF NET 64 strategy up and running on EURUSD + Timebase monitor on ALL FX instruments (using MT4 connector) .





Finally , all up and running :P


Click the thank button if you like it , gives people a reason to do anything.

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