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SuperADX MQ4 indicator.......can anyone convert this to amibroker afl.......HELP

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Can someone please convert this MT4 indicator into Amibroker AFL..or atleast show me a way or guide me to convert this into amibroker afl I'm not a coder though..indicator name is SUPERADX and looks good and could be of great help in trading.....












  Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler V4.0.224.1 []
  Website: http://purebeam.biz
  E-mail : [email protected]

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 Yellow
#property indicator_color2 Magenta
#property indicator_color3 Red
#property indicator_color4 DarkOrange
#property indicator_color5 DarkViolet

/*#import "MT4.SuperADX_Indicator.dll"
  bool Activate(int a0, int a1, string a2);
  string GetLastErrorDescription();

//extern string License = "Enter License key here";
extern int WhiteBarTrigger = 35;
extern int RedBarTrigger = 10;
extern int WavePeriod = 10;
extern int AvgPeriod = 21;
extern bool SoundAlert = FALSE;
extern bool EmailAlert = FALSE;
extern int NumberOfBarsToUse = 500;
double g_ibuf_112[];
double g_ibuf_116[];
double g_ibuf_120[];
double g_ibuf_124[];
double g_ibuf_128[];
double gda_132[];
double gda_136[];
double gda_140[];
double gda_144[];
double gda_148[];
double gda_152[];
double gda_156[];
double gda_160[];
int gi_164 = -50;
int gi_168 = 53;
int gi_172;
bool gi_176 = FALSE;
bool gi_180 = FALSE;
string gs_184;

int init() {
  int li_8;
  string ls_0 = "!SuperADX";
  ArrayResize(gda_140, Bars);
  ArrayResize(gda_152, Bars);
  ArrayResize(gda_144, Bars);
  ArrayResize(gda_148, Bars);
  ArrayResize(gda_132, Bars);
  ArrayResize(gda_136, Bars);
  ArrayResize(gda_156, Bars);
  ArrayResize(gda_160, Bars);
  SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_124);
  SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_120);
  SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_116);
  SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_112);
  SetIndexBuffer(4, g_ibuf_128);
  SetIndexLabel(0, "Yellow Bar 53");
  SetIndexLabel(1, "Magenta Bar 53");
  SetIndexLabel(2, "Red Bar 53");
  SetIndexLabel(3, "DarkOrange Bar 53");
  SetIndexLabel(4, "DarkViolet Bar 53");
  SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 0);
  SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 1);
  SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 2);
  SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 3);
  SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 4);
  SetIndexDrawBegin(0, 1);
  SetIndexDrawBegin(1, 1);
  SetIndexDrawBegin(2, 1);
  SetIndexDrawBegin(3, 1);
  SetIndexDrawBegin(4, 1);
  /*if (IsDemo()) li_8 = 1;
  else li_8 = 2;
  if (AccountNumber() == 0) gi_176 = TRUE;
  gi_180 = Activate(AccountNumber(), li_8, License);
  gs_184 = GetLastErrorDescription();*/
  return (0);

int deinit() {
  return (0);

int start() {
  //int li_unused_0;
  int li_4;
  double l_ima_on_arr_8;
  int li_16;
  bool li_48;
  bool l_bool_52;
  bool l_bool_56;
  /*if (gi_176) {
     if (AccountNumber() == 0) {
        Comment("Connecting to server...");
        return (0);
     gi_176 = FALSE;
     if (IsDemo()) li_unused_0 = 1;
     else li_unused_0 = 2;
     gi_180 = TRUE;
     gs_184 = GetLastErrorDescription();
     li_4 = 0;
  } else 
  if (gi_180 == FALSE) {
     return (0);
  Comment("License Activated");*/
  double l_icustom_20 = 0;
  double l_icustom_28 = 0;
  double l_icustom_36 = 0;
  li_4 = IndicatorCounted();
  if (li_4 < 0) return (-1);
  if (li_4 > 0) li_4--;
  if (NumberOfBarsToUse == 0) li_16 = Bars - 1;
  else li_16 = NumberOfBarsToUse;
  for (int li_44 = li_16; li_44 > 0; li_44--) {
     gda_140[li_44] = iMA(NULL, 0, WavePeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_TYPICAL, li_44);
     ArraySetAsSeries(gda_140, TRUE);
  for (li_44 = li_16; li_44 > 0; li_44--) {
     gda_152[li_44] = MathAbs((iHigh(NULL, 0, li_44) + iClose(NULL, 0, li_44) + iLow(NULL, 0, li_44)) / 3.0 - gda_140[li_44]);
     ArraySetAsSeries(gda_152, TRUE);
  for (li_44 = li_16; li_44 > 0; li_44--) {
     l_ima_on_arr_8 = iMAOnArray(gda_152, 0, WavePeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, li_44);
     gda_144[li_44] = l_ima_on_arr_8;
     ArraySetAsSeries(gda_144, TRUE);
  for (li_44 = li_16; li_44 > 0; li_44--) {
     if (gda_144[li_44] > 0.0) gda_148[li_44] = ((iHigh(NULL, 0, li_44) + iClose(NULL, 0, li_44) + iLow(NULL, 0, li_44)) / 3.0 - gda_140[li_44]) / (0.015 * gda_144[li_44]);
     else gda_148[li_44] = 0;
     ArraySetAsSeries(gda_148, TRUE);
  for (li_44 = li_16; li_44 > 0; li_44--) {
     l_ima_on_arr_8 = iMAOnArray(gda_148, 0, AvgPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, li_44);
     gda_132[li_44] = l_ima_on_arr_8;
     ArraySetAsSeries(gda_132, TRUE);
  for (li_44 = li_16; li_44 > 0; li_44--) {
     l_ima_on_arr_8 = iMAOnArray(gda_132, 0, 4, 0, MODE_SMA, li_44);
     gda_136[li_44] = l_ima_on_arr_8;
     ArraySetAsSeries(gda_136, TRUE);
  for (li_44 = li_16 - 1; li_44 > 0; li_44--) {
     if (gda_132[li_44] >= gda_136[li_44] && gda_132[li_44 + 1] <= gda_136[li_44 + 1] && gda_132[li_44] <= gi_164) gda_156[li_44] = 1;
     else gda_156[li_44] = 0;
     if (gda_132[li_44] <= gda_136[li_44] && gda_132[li_44 + 1] >= gda_136[li_44 + 1] && gda_132[li_44] >= gi_168) gda_160[li_44] = 1;
     else gda_160[li_44] = 0;
  for (li_44 = li_16 - 2; li_44 > 0; li_44--) {
     l_icustom_20 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "!SupportingADX", 14, NumberOfBarsToUse, 0, li_44);
     l_icustom_28 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "!SupportingADX", 14, NumberOfBarsToUse, 0, li_44 + 1);
     l_icustom_36 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "!SupportingADX", 14, NumberOfBarsToUse, 0, li_44 + 2);
     li_48 = MACDSignal(li_44);
     l_bool_52 = l_icustom_28 > WhiteBarTrigger && l_icustom_20 < l_icustom_28 && l_icustom_28 > l_icustom_36;
     l_bool_56 = l_icustom_20 < RedBarTrigger && l_icustom_20 > l_icustom_28 && l_icustom_28 < l_icustom_36;
     g_ibuf_112[li_44] = 0;
     g_ibuf_120[li_44] = 0;
     g_ibuf_128[li_44] = 0;
     g_ibuf_124[li_44] = 0;
     if (l_bool_52 && gda_156[li_44] != 0.0 || gda_160[li_44] != 0.0) {
        g_ibuf_124[li_44] = 2.5 * l_icustom_20;
        if (li_44 == 1) SendAlert("yb");
     if (l_bool_52) {
        if (li_48) {
           g_ibuf_128[li_44] = 1.5 * l_icustom_20;
           if (li_44 == 1) SendAlert("wbmacd");
        } else {
           g_ibuf_112[li_44] = 1.5 * l_icustom_20;
           if (li_44 == 1) SendAlert("wb");
     if (ThreeBars(li_44) && l_bool_52) {
        g_ibuf_120[li_44] = 2.0 * l_icustom_20;
        if (li_44 == 1) SendAlert("tb");
     if (l_bool_56) {
        g_ibuf_116[li_44] = 2.0 * l_icustom_20;
        if (li_44 == 1) SendAlert("rb");
     } else g_ibuf_116[li_44] = 0;
  return (0);

int MACDSignal(int ai_0) {
  double l_icustom_4 = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "!SupportingMACD", 12, 26, 9, 0, ai_0);
  double l_icustom_12 = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "!SupportingMACD", 12, 26, 9, 0, ai_0 + 1);
  double l_icustom_20 = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "!SupportingMACD", 12, 26, 9, 1, ai_0);
  double l_icustom_28 = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "!SupportingMACD", 12, 26, 9, 1, ai_0 + 1);
  if (l_icustom_4 > l_icustom_20 && l_icustom_12 <= l_icustom_28) return (1);
  if (l_icustom_4 < l_icustom_20 && l_icustom_12 >= l_icustom_28) return (1);
  return (0);

int ThreeBars(int ai_0) {
  int l_count_4 = 0;
  for (int l_count_8 = 0; l_count_8 < 16; l_count_8++)
     if (g_ibuf_112[ai_0 + l_count_8] != 0.0 || g_ibuf_128[ai_0 + l_count_8] != 0.0) l_count_4++;
  if (l_count_4 > 2) return (1);
  return (0);

void SendAlert(string as_0) {
  if (Time[1] != gi_172) {
     if (SoundAlert) {
        if (as_0 == "wb") Alert(Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " white bar");
        if (as_0 == "wbmacd") Alert(Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " white bar + macd");
        if (as_0 == "rb") Alert(Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " red bar");
        if (as_0 == "tb") Alert(Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " three bars");
        if (as_0 == "yb") Alert(Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " whitebar + trendwave");
     if (EmailAlert) {
        if (as_0 == "wb") SendMail("!SuperADX Alert", Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " white bar");
        if (as_0 == "wbmacd") SendMail("!SuperADX Alert", Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " white bar + macd");
        if (as_0 == "rb") SendMail("!SuperADX Alert", Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " red bar");
        if (as_0 == "tb") SendMail("!SuperADX Alert", Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " three bars");
        if (as_0 == "yb") SendMail("!SuperADX Alert", Symbol() + " => TF: " + Period() + "M => " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " whitebar + trendwave");
     gi_172 = Time[1];

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