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Sound strategy video

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It is sound common sense strategy video which ends with bargaining from $197 to $19.95. If they need your money so badly that they beg for it most of the time it is not what you see on the video you are buying but something much less and different! That's my long time experience with Webinars, videos, promising systems and indicators.

Watch the video, it is a smart strategy, many of us already do it, but be patient with the finish of the video. I sent them email and asked for 2 weeks free trial. From experience I know that if they deny the free trial it is a sheet in chocolate. If it would be something worthy they would be not afraid to let me test it. We will see what comes in the email answer but I already smell it.

Cheers Hermes

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No, it's weekend probably too busy with a new greenhorn members. But what I see a feedback on signal providers 99% are the same losers like the 95% Forex traders. Easy math. I heard bad news about the Traders Group signals also.

There is also aggressive attack on CNT Web Site (Henry Liu) because of the successful News EA he developed! Wall Street and rest of financial vultures are mad that somebody has the guts to take money from them. No difference between drugs gangs and financial corporations. The same law!

We have to have a good karma to find someone who really work.

Ha, ha, ha .... Hermes

Edited by hermes
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