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Sunday's Lesson

Alan Rich Online

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Remember only intra day traders know what’s really going on and can react first.

Everyone else will either be one day late or have some ridiculous theoretical reason why some imaginary move will occur.


Real time is key to what is happening.

When we are trading intra day and banking our smaller moves try and work what is truly going on underneath. What is really setting up. Remember you will know about it first and if you see it occurring then jump on the train because its leaving the station.


What ever you do, don’t go and listen to retail traders talking to other retail traders on the web. Don’t be fooled if they are chief market analyst for XYZ, that’s just someone who knows a bit more technical analysis than you do. He is employed by his company to give the crowd what they want to hear so they trade more.


Lets take the EURUSD on Friday. Whilst I’m trading it I said were down in the fibs by the ellipse in the morning. The only way we can get a run is to let the US session do it for us, the morning’s momentum has gone. So when the US come down and do the re test and it holds, and then we bounce, you know the odds are this is leading up to the breakout later in the day that so many people are watching for.


The train is starting to move. The next two pullbacks are buyable, shown by the arrows. Hit it hard and go for the run. You are in before everyone else.


Let everyone else talk about it afterwards, which is what they like doing. Let the gobbly gook technical analysis traders cancel their last ****** analytics and make new ones on Monday based on what just happened.


We saw it first, we traded it first and we’ll sell to those that join it late and take our profits. That is good trading.


That is how you make good profits.


Here is the EURUSD chart showing when we saw it setting up and how any of the pullbacks shown were great buying opportunities.



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