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How can be a successful trader ?


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Well said....



Passion and confidence a successful entrepreneur loves what he does. Either likes what makes their business or simply the idea itself has no importance, a good entrepreneur must enjoy and be satisfied with your work. You should feel that it is confirming its strong points and helping to improve their weaknesses. The passion of an successful entrepreneur should shine in their level of confidence. They trust that their businesses are good and are not afraid to promote themselves. They take their business seriously and see them as an investment opportunity.





Pasión y confianza

Un empresario exitoso ama lo que hace. Ya sea que le guste lo que hace su negocio o simplemente la idea en sí no tenga importancia, un buen emprendedor debe disfrutar y sentirse satisfecho con por su obra. Debe sentir que está confirmando sus puntos fuertes y ayudando a mejorar sus debilidades. La pasión de un empresario exitoso debería brillar en su nivel de confianza. Ellos confían en que sus negocios son buenos y no tienen miedo a promocionarse. Ellos toman seriamente sus negocios y los ven como una oportunidad de inversión.

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  • 1 month later...
I think if you want to consider yourself a successful trader you should compare your results with what you stared from and analyse how long it has taken you to achieve them. But it's not enough only to believe in your success. You should aground your belief with facts)
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  • 4 months later...

Success is not easy! It's very hard but be a professional or experienced trader you must follow some rules like this

Rule No.1: Always Use a Trading Plan

Rule No.2: Treat Trading Like a Business

Rule No.3: Use Technology to Your Advantage

Rule No.4: Protect Your Trading Capital

Rule No.5: Become a Student of the Markets

Rule No.6: Risk Only What You Can Afford to Lose

Rule No.7: Develop a Trading Methodology Based on Facts

Rule No.8: Always Use a Stop Loss

Rule No.9: Know When to Stop Trading

Rule No.10: Keep Trading in Perspective

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  • 4 months later...

1. learn the basics

2. analyse the market in order to learn how to identify a price trend

3. choose the currency pair

4. try online forex trading on free practice account (good option: https://justforexidn.com/education/practice-account-opening/?c=fd58bf)

5. choose the broker

6. improve your strategy and sharpen your psychology as well

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  • 11 months later...
Now I am trading in forex . Already I have earned some profit . Now I want to earn a huge amount of money .That is why I want to be a successful trader and searching good suggestions to trade.


To be successful trader you will need to make it to yourself. I would say at least 2 years of activity that is on the positive end with maximum drawdawn up to 20%...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Siyan jheel
To become successful in Forex market is a challenge for one who are new beginner as this market is huge being global there are so many trader and brokers who have made their remarkable place and name in market with their rich experience and skills. To explore your self in trading open a Demo account with any broker i would recommend LMFX, they provide you good leverage as well as basic trading study kit so that you can do well on demo account and prepare yourself for LIVE account.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Develop a trading plan and always adhere to it. Don't risk more than 2% of your margin per single trade. Keep your emotions separate from trading. Never trade to compensate for your losses.


It's great that you mentioned about the risk per trade, many newbies tend to neglect this important setting, placing stop loss randomly or as they say "behind some important levels". I think without strict rules, varying stop loss level can be confusing or in the worst case misleading.

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