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New to the market... Need your advice...


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I have been playing around with forex for the past eight months and have come to realize that quite a lot of traders haven't the faintest clue what a trading system is. But like the old master Yoshi " you do not need a weapon to do battle with. You become the weapon". So my dear fellow traders " a trading system is you". You become disciplined, chose when to enter a trade, exit a trade, manage your money, and the list goes on. The best trading system is you!
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As for me, Freshforex is one of the brokers, which offer really good conditions for trade. The platform works smoothly. No deposit threshold, you can open multiple accounts with different trading instruments. Transactions are closed quickly without sagging. Money is withdrawn in time, exactly as stated on their website, there are many payment systems. "Cancel deposit commission" campaign removes deposit commission for the most popular payment systems. It's nice that on the saved money you can buy gifts to your friends for Christmas!
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