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(REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"


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  flipper26 said:
"does this stuff work?" totally depends on you - what works for some, doesn't work for others. There are so many different ways to trade the mkts and make money. You need to assess for yourself which instruments, methods/systems are best for you.


That's an undeniable truth on one way to consistent profits. Well said. =D>

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  timein said:
Geez here you go guys Admis the talented educator and contributor to the forum delivers again.


These are the new LogikUltimateBrickSizeCompute indicator. With these indicators they allow you to find the best brick size to trade your instruments. This is the complete package of Viper Professional Ultimate. Which includes the new multi time frame bar color called ViperProBarsMTF.


In the package you will find a video explaining how to use and install these indicators. These are the new multi time frame background called ViperProBackgroundMTF.


Just make sure before you import the new indicators you remove the old Viper Indicators. Installing these over the old indicators can conflict with the installation. You will find in this package the indicators a video and three chart templates.


I also included the High Percent indicators this way you can put the hp30Dynamic Trend on the chart. For this chart use the Viper Pro Ultimate hp30 Dynamic chart template.


In order to apply the Viper lighting 1-2or3 on the chart just hold down the shift or alt key than click on the chart where you want to start the zig zag lines. To remove them just do the opposite- hold the shift or the alt key down on the open bar and it will remove the lines.


Best to all and long live the forum.


Thanks Admis for all you do…


Viper Pro Ultimate hp30 Dynamic Chart








the Objecttrader is not in this download version....

I'm looking for the last week released Objecttrader ..Perhaps somebody has already the edu version.

thanks in advance

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Viper folks seems to be re-packaging ObjectTr@der from @ccuratetrademanagement . com but who really know these days.


Here is the link from the educated strategy from previous sharing:




Hope it help,

Edited by Swordfi$h
wrong link fixed
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Here is the trail version of objecttrader EXT this one has all the new features but needs to be educated.


It's only working on a sim101 account so that also has to be fixed to make it work




Download link for the instruction video that explains the new features




Thanks Timein and Admis for the updated vip package ..!!

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In the updated vip package shared by Timein and Admis the following indicators are not working : viplightning 3 , vipbarMTF ,and vipbackgroundMTF .


The last 2 are the most important and the update from the previous package .

When you try to put them on a chart you get the following error message

in your ninjatrader Log :


Error on calling 'OnBarUpdate' method for indicator 'Vip erProBarMTF' on bar 0: Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.


Does anybody got this working or have the same problems ?


A friendly request to Admis if he can take a look at the package and can fix the problem.





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Errare humanum est...


As I promised. Here it's the adjusted release: (still not tested, so please make it on your own and report any issues...)




It happened because of my rush and lack of time to make the test.


You should understand it's almost impossible to install all the stuff only to check it out. Most of them are unusable for me and they just overfilling my disk and slowing down the NinjaTrader.


I can repeat the same, what one of our famous members said in the past: I'm sorry, but I'm not an octopus...

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  Top1 said:
Here is the trail version of objecttrader EXT this one has all the new features but needs to be educated.

It's only working on a sim101 account so that also has to be fixed to make it work


I'll make till tomorrow, but you should know, that most of Viper stuff includes similar set of common indicators with the same names. In the case of simultaneously installation of several Viper products can occur the conflicts...

The solution is to prepare the common set of indicators, strategies and libraries in the source form, but this task requires the time, which I have not too much...

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Hi Admis


I tested the fixed package and it's working fine thanks a lot for that !


The objectrader ext is a seperate package and it's a very powerfull tool whatever system your trading to automate your entries and exits scale in and out on an easy way .

It should not conflict with the other package so far as i know .


Thanks..... for all your help and support ...!!!

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  admis said:
I'll make till tomorrow...


... And finally, I did it (Viper Object Trader EXT 2015 updated edu): https://www.sendspace.com/file/lvinzz


Should work, but I didn't test it, so please make it on your own and report any issues...In this way, I can save a little more time...;)

See you soon.

Edited by admis
edu adjustments, link updated
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  admis said:
I'll make till tomorrow, but you should know, that most of Viper stuff includes similar set of common indicators with the same names. In the case of simultaneously installation of several Viper products can occur the conflicts...

The solution is to prepare the common set of indicators, strategies and libraries in the source form, but this task requires the time, which I have not too much...




I uninstalled the trial and installed the educated. But I don't see the ViperGuidanceLines. Those are great lines to have. Similar to another under a different name that you pointed out to me.


I know you are busy, so when, or if, you have time can you check the ViperGuidenaceLines?


Can anyone else verify that the indicator ViperGuidanceLines that was in the trial, is not in the educated.


Many thanks,


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  admis said:
... And finally, I did it (Viper Object Trader EXT 2015): https://www.sendspace.com/file/6l6wqd


Should work, but I didn't test it, so please make it on your own and report any issues...In this way, I can save a little more time...;)

See you soon.




ViperGuidanceLines problem solved by installing the extension pack.


Thanks again,


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Thanks Admis...!!


I was just testing it and saw that it was still asking for parts of the trail version .

When i imported the trail version also it solved the problem ..!!


I will import the updated version now and keep you informed ..!!


Again many thanks for this =D>=D>

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  Top1 said:
Thanks Admis...!!


I was just testing it and saw that it was still asking for parts of the trail version .

When i imported the trail version also it solved the problem ..!!


I will import the updated version now and keep you informed ..!!


Again many thanks for this =D>=D>


Thanks, but there is NO way, that my release shows a trial warnings! All of them come from other trial binaries. I wrote earlier about possible conflicts.

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