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Bearish / Bullish .786 Retracement Code NT


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Can someone help me, I am trying to adjust the code to show bullish and bearish .786 retracement triangles.


I have an error as it wont plot, any help would be great!


#region Using declarations

using System;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;

using System.Xml.Serialization;

using NinjaTrader.Cbi;

using NinjaTrader.Data;

using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;



namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator


/// <summary>

/// detects bullish and bearish and sets value to 1 or -1 or 0 if not found

/// </summary>

[Description("detects bullish and bearish and sets value to 1 or -1 or 0 if not found")]

public class RetracementAtempt1 : Indicator


#region Variables

// Wizard generated variables

private double zigZagPercentDeviation = 0.05; // Default setting for ZigZagPercentDeviation

private double tolerancePercent = 5; // Default setting for TolerancePercent


private IntSeries ipatternType;

private DataSeries patternType;

private DataSeries x;

private DataSeries idealProfitTarget;

private Color penColor = Color.Orange;

private int penWidth= 20;

private DashStyle dashStyle=System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash;

private int barsBack=250;


// User defined variables (add any user defined variables below)


/// <summary>

/// This method is used to configure the indicator and is called once before any bar data is loaded.

/// </summary>

protected override void Initialize()


CalculateOnBarClose = true;

Overlay = true;

PriceTypeSupported = true;

ipatternType=new IntSeries(this);

patternType=new DataSeries(this);

x=new DataSeries(this);

idealProfitTarget=new DataSeries(this);



/// <summary>

/// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)

/// </summary>

private double Diagonal(double A,double B){

return Math.Sqrt(A*A+B*B);



protected override void OnBarUpdate()


// Use this method for calculating your indicator values. Assign a value to each

// plot below by replacing 'Close[0]' with your own formula.





double B=0;

double A=0;

//double x=0;

double AB=0;

double XA=0;

double time_CD=0;

bool useHighLow=false;

bool bBearish=false;

int FirstHigh=ZigZag(DeviationType.Percent,ZigZagPercentDeviation,useHighLow).HighBar(0,1,barsBack);

int SecondHigh=ZigZag(DeviationType.Percent,ZigZagPercentDeviation,useHighLow).HighBar(0,2,barsBack);

int FirstLow=ZigZag(DeviationType.Percent,ZigZagPercentDeviation,useHighLow).LowBar(0,1,barsBack);

int SecondLow=ZigZag(DeviationType.Percent,ZigZagPercentDeviation,useHighLow).LowBar(0,2,barsBack);

int ThirdLow=ZigZag(DeviationType.Percent,ZigZagPercentDeviation,useHighLow).LowBar(0,3,barsBack);

int ThirdHigh=ZigZag(DeviationType.Percent,ZigZagPercentDeviation,useHighLow).HighBar(0,3,barsBack);

if(FirstHigh==-1 || SecondHigh==-1 || FirstLow==-1 || SecondLow==-1) return;


if(FirstLow<FirstHigh) {

// bullish case

if(SecondLow==-1) return;










else {

// bearish case

if(ThirdHigh==-1) return;














// Print(AB);

// Print(time_CD);

// Print(XA);

// Print(BC);

// Print(CD);


if(AB<=0.618*(1-TolerancePercent/100)*XA || AB>=0.786*(1+TolerancePercent/100)*XA) return;





// now conditions:

string tag=CurrentBar.ToString();

bool bautoscale=true;

if(bBearish) {





tag+="0.786 Bearish Retracement";






else {





tag+="0.786 Bullish Retracement";









#region Properties

[browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove

[XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove

public DataSeries X


get { return x; }



[browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove


public DataSeries IdealProfitTarget


get { return idealProfitTarget; }



[browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove


public IntSeries Value


get { return ipatternType; }



[browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove


public DataSeries PatternType


get { return patternType; }




[Description("Pen Color Pattern")]



public Color PenColor


get { return penColor; }

set { penColor = value; }


// Serialize our Color object


public string PenColorSerialize


get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(penColor); }

set { penColor = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value); }



[Description("Dash Style")]


public DashStyle DashStyle


get { return dashStyle; }

set { dashStyle = value; }



[Description("Pen Width")]


public int PenWidth


get { return penWidth; }

set { penWidth = Math.Max(0,value); }



[Description("Bars back")]


public int BarsBack


get { return barsBack; }

set { barsBack = Math.Max(5,value); }





public double ZigZagPercentDeviation


get { return zigZagPercentDeviation; }

set { zigZagPercentDeviation = Math.Max(0.001, value); }





public double TolerancePercent


get { return tolerancePercent; }

set { tolerancePercent = Math.Max(0.0, value); }





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You're welcome, mate. I see on the NT Forum that one of the CS techs has weighed-in.


Hopefully a user code guru will give you some help...either there or here.






By the way...what does the error code show when you try to compile...that screenshot of the error listing may motivate a code guru to jump in and assist (here and over there).

Edited by tryitagainmf
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Thanks Mick,


I was trying to adjust the code from a gartley indicator but my force is **** when it comes to coding...no error when compiling it just wont plot the patterns when they show.


I see you are in the isle of man, in jersey myself. Do you know of any trading rooms, arcades in the islands?

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tryitagainmf, you can insert the code below line # 37 or anywhere as long as it is not inside another block of code. From the looks of the code, the missing 'GartleyButterflyPatternType' code is probably not an enum but a class that returns two properties.


When I created 'GartleyButterflyPatternType' as an enum, line 129, 130, 140, 141 failed because it is expecting an INT and not an enum. So what I'm thinking is 'GartleyButterflyPatternType' is probably provided by anothing indicator.

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