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[Req] John.Maddog.Doe if you have time


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Hi John.Maddog.Doe

If you get time will you check out post 8 here:




Thank you




for anyone that may stumble upon this thread hunting-

john.maddog.doe was kind enough to fix and here is link he posted in original thread


http://[email protected]/file/yetuuq



1= i

again huge thanks go out to john.maddog.doe

Edited by newbie0101
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Omaron....can u remove NT protection checks? If not anyway welcome to our site.....and sorry for leaving my little message about not to pm u. I was just being protective since you are new, but it looks like you are legit in helping us find a software/system that can actually do what it says instead of junk that produces any and all signals/trades that have negative R/R, and losing % of signals....for huge wasted $$.


Enjoy: [email protected]/file/416lwo


Unzip and copy to /My Documents/Ninjatrader 7/bin/Custom/ then start (or restart) Ninja.

Edited by tradernate
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cant get to work


Enjoy: [email protected]/file/416lwo


Unzip and copy to /My Documents/Ninjatrader 7/bin/Custom/ then start (or restart) Ninja.



Hi omaron, thanks

Did you test this out? If so were you able to get the indicator to function? If so was it on regular or ckd NT7 version??

I can load the indicator on chart without getting the "trial has ended....." warning but the indicator does not function.



Has the one posted by omaron worked for anyone that has tried?


The one that was provided by John.Maddog.Doe does work and indi functional- originally posted in post #2 here:



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no work for me


Link updated in first post. Looks like i just uploaded wrong file. Should be ok now, works for me.


@tradernate: no worry, i can understand that. I am not as good as Zeraw or John, i can do simple stuff though :).


Hi omaron, can you take a look at this short clip I made to show my troubles with the fix you posted. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance



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still not work for me/not even import-get error


That is weird. It works fine for me. I updated link. I added there the script as exported by NT from my computer. Hope it works for you too. Make sure you remove the old version, at least temporarily.


Hi omaron and thanks for sticking with this.

But no good here when try and import get NT Message "import failed.....is likely corrupt and can't be imported. Entry sizes not correct for Zip64"


If i just copy and paste the files into"custom" then compile an indi get 8 errors



please will someone see if it works for them and report back so we can at least narrow down if it is not working for just me?


p.s. I have tried on more than one machine

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Enjoy: [email protected]/file/awovbg Version 0.922 (sept 21)


Import using NT import function.


I've tried to import this using the import function and get the error message, "is likely corrupt and can't be imported. Entry sizes not correct for Zip64". Not sure what that means. Thanks for posting but will go back to previous version.

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Hey Big O, can u take a look at these and see if anything can be done with these indis......



Well.. i have no idea either.. i am exporting from NT installed on windows xp on a mac book pro, using parallels... maybe i have the 32bit version and you have the 64? i don't see an option to export different dlls... any one has any idea?
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Well.. i have no idea either.. i am exporting from NT installed on windows xp on a mac book pro, using parallels... maybe i have the 32bit version and you have the 64? i don't see an option to export different dlls... any one has any idea?


I am using Windows 7 running the indies on 32 bit on a non-cracked NT, if that helps.

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I am using Windows 7 running the indies on 32 bit on a non-cracked NT, if that helps.

Hi omaron,

using same setup as flipper26 and have tried 64bit as well also tried on cracked none work

Just to make sure omaron, is the one you have working on your end the "new updated indi"

the one with more toolbar icons and do all the features work.

Not doubting you just want to make sure


Edited by newbie0101
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Just checked and seems like my mac is a 64 bit machine, so maybe is the other way around?! I will play with the original dll more, maybe i will have more success.


@tardernate. I looked at them all but is too complicated for me. Most use same protection like M@rket B@lance, which was a challenge even for Zeraw. Other use some online validation (user/pass), something like MTP. That is a job for some1 way better then me. I am just trying to follow the few tips Zeraw posted in his initial "i am bored" thread.

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Thank you for looking....and giving the update


Just checked and seems like my mac is a 64 bit machine, so maybe is the other way around?! I will play with the original dll more, maybe i will have more success.


@tardernate. I looked at them all but is too complicated for me. Most use same protection like M@rket B@lance, which was a challenge even for Zeraw. Other use some online validation (user/pass), something like MTP. That is a job for some1 way better then me. I am just trying to follow the few tips Zeraw posted in his initial "i am bored" thread.

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Eh.. no idea what that means. Can you extract the files from the zip, just normally, somewhere on your computer? Try that and then copy the dlls and cs to your NT bin/custom/


already tried that and when I try and compile get these errors:


http://[email protected]/view/?t2f7xrq1a2twwb8


after errors I added the ne0 .dll as a reference and was able to compile random indi with no errors but the indicator still not function.

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You should not compile the .cs in the zip nor upload it to /indicators/ folder. It should be in the same place with neo dlls (and all other dlls from other indicators)


It is where it is supposed to be in the <custom> folder

I did not compile the .cs I compiled just a random indi and posted the errors that nt threw, that all are pointing to the ne0 indi.

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eh... crazy. Try removing the cs file maybe? It should not be needed as i know, just the dll matters. Also use the dlls one at a time, rename from neo...X64.dll to just neo...dll and see what NT say. Normally, the cs file should only decide what dll to be used and make a copy from neo..X**.dll to neo..dll. is what i noticed for such indicators. Edited by omaron
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eh... crazy. Try removing the cs file maybe? It should not be needed as i know, just the dll matters. Also use the dlls one at a time, rename from neo...X64.dll to just neo...dll and see what NT say. Normally, the cs file should only decide what dll to be used and make a copy from neo..X**.dll to neo..dll. is what i noticed for such indicators.


Hi omaron, well no luck tried all and still indi no function.

Guess will wait and hopefully someone will be able to make work and share.

Thanks for all your help and attempts with this. For me the non-programmer the most puzzling part is, how does it work for you and not me and the only other person that I know of that has tried (flipper26)???

Anyway again thanks for all you efforts

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