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Please decompile this system


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It don't has to be cracked, but there are only ex4 and I would like to have a decompiled version of these indis from the system. so then it is possible to modify some things and to transfer it to another platform, etc.


the main indicator is the matrix_system.ex4. The rest are help indicators of the system.


thanks in advance


Here is the link: https://rapidshare.com/files/1533052825/matrix system indis.rar

Edited by ProfNuke
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ok, here you got the whole system.

- The Matrix system indi is showing you 4 lines. these must all match.

The ColorCCI has to be colored and not grey. colored in the direction of trading


to the template you've got to add stochastics M5 and M15 (MTF stochastic) in one window. both have to be coming up from oversold zone or down from overbought zone and line up in the direction of your trading.


so and if you get a breakout of the M5 R or M5S zone and these indicators line up in the direction, then go with it!

on the bottom there is Matrix Revolution, white=ranging market condition, green=ok for trading. it is a mix of keltnerchannel and something else. i did not really take care about it.


If you really follow these rulez and only trade london and NY session, you'll be happy to make more +pips than -pips!


So if this system gets compiled to mq4 i would really appreciate that esp. the matrix_system indicator.ex4!



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100% Fantastic Four


Hello guys,


i have found a very simple system in another forum. It works nearly perfect, so i have put some scripts on it to work simpler.

The problem i have, is that the indicator named fantastic four creates many failures that will be written in the log file of the metatrader.

The indicator self works well but write the logfile until its 9GB big.


So i put this system here. And hope anybody can decompile the indicator. So then i will look whats wrong in the source code.


There ar the diffeent Fantastic four indicators. The source of FF3 only works on 4 digit account and the other two ex4 FF works on 4 digit and five digit accounts.


So hope anyone can decompile it.


Thank you in advance.



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the error come from ObjectMove function. I just disable it and error gone .


void f0_0(string as_0, double a_price_8, int a_style_16, color a_color_20) {

string name_24 = "[Magic] " + as_0;

if (ObjectFind(name_24) != 0) {

ObjectCreate(name_24, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, a_price_8);

ObjectSet(name_24, OBJPROP_STYLE, a_style_16);

ObjectSet(name_24, OBJPROP_COLOR, a_color_20);



//ObjectMove(name_24, 0, 0, a_price_8);


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