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How to download webinars from FXSTREET.COM (or from any website streaming over RTMP)

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Hi everyone


In this thread http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/13095-Sam-S3iden/page58?highlight=seiden I posted last Sam Seiden's webinar for Fxstreet and talked about the tools I use to download Fxstreet webinars. I’ve been PMed by several users on how I did it. As my post count is not enough to PM them back, and since this topic could be of interest to some of you, I’ve decided to open this thread.


It used to be easy to download Fxstreet webinars using common Firefox plugins like DownloadHelper, Ant.com or Unplug, but not anymore. Some time ago they decided to make things harder for downloaders, and turned to RTMP streaming, much more difficult to detect, so these plugins don’t work anymore.


But there are some other pieces of software that do capture these streams. I use StreamTransport (freeware) and Internet Download Manager (commercial software). StreamTransport does the job really well and it’s very easy to use, but I find it a bit slow. IDM is faster, and can download RTMP streams, but it finds it hard to detect RTMP urls. So I combine them and take the best of both: I use StreamTransport to reveal the RTMP url and IDM to download the fie. This is how I do it:


1. Open StreamTransport (available for download here http://www.streamtransport.com/).

2. StreamTransport looks like an Internet browser, with an URL bar on top. Copy the Fxstreet webinar’s URL and paste it in StreamTransport’s URL bar. StreamTransport will display the webinar’s page.

3. Scroll down to the video player and play the video.

4. StreamTransport will show the RTMP URL in the URL box at the bottom.

5. Click the Show Tasks button on the right. This will show the Download dialog box. Copy the RTMP url showing at the botton of the page.

6. Open IDM and click the Add URL button, then paste the RTMP URL in the Address box.

7. Click OK and let IDM do the job.

8. If you want to download the file using StreamTransport, click the Download button on the right hand side of the window after step 4 above.


I hope you find this useful.

Edited by shicuco
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