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Trade Journal

Bill Bundle

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Excellent program for recordkeeping of your trading activities. Unfortunately, the author's website no longer exists (alphamindset.com) and he cannot be contacted; however, this is the best desktop trading journal that I've seen. If anyone else knows of one better, please let me know.


Trade Journal



Crack for Trade Journal v2.0



Alternate Crack: Company: www.serialnumber.in Serial #: B119549174691659




Edited by Bill Bundle
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  • 4 months later...
  hellboy said:
Both the medicines are not working:(

it is asking for email id, also the key generator isn't showing anything :(

I am on WIN7, even with compatibility mode i am unable to make it work.help please.


I'm not sure what the problem could be. If you used the serial number that I posted and it still didn't work, the only thing I can think of is temporarily disabling the firewall and virus protection before installation. Otherwise, try the portable version http://www.4shared.com/file/6Pg-qv5V/Portable_TJ.html As with any of the portable versions that I post, they all take about 5 minutes to go through uncompacting and self configuration on their first startup. Be patient and eventually the program will appear.


The original installation package from post #1 can also be found at http://www.4shared.com/zip/4876LRhv/TJ2.html If it asks for an email address, put in anything that looks like an email address.


  shicuco said:
Check this one out, but just for FX: http://the4xjournal.com/


This looks great, because it's customized for documenting forex trades. I wonder if there's an educated version?

Edited by Bill Bundle
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I'm experiencing the same issues as hellboy. The software is for stock traders so it's not that good for me anyway. It seems to have been discontinued long ago so I'm afraid we can't expect any future upgrades.


Thanks for your answer, Bill. I will try with the original installation package. If I manage to make it work it could be useful for other traders.


I have been searching for an educated version of the fxjournal with no luck. The sw is pretty cheap, though.

Edited by shicuco
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  shicuco said:
I have been searching for an educated version of the fxjournal with no luck. The sw is pretty cheap, though.


Yes, it is pretty cheap anyway. I purchased the v1.0 of the Trade Journal for $40 and the publisher went out of business. My original serial number doesn't work any more, but the cracked serial works for v2.0. Here's a website with some links to trade journal spreadsheets. http://www.informedtrades.com/510156-traders-excel-spreadsheets.html#post540424

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  metal said:
How do you make it work when press on keygen it shows empty box thanks


First install the program. Second run the program. Third run Keygen. Fourth, on the Kegen window click on the button titled "Generate" and a serial number appears on the second line. Fifth, enter the serial number into the Trade Journal program.

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  metal said:
Thanks hellboy and Bill but as I said there are empty window in keygen no button to generate, thanks for your effort maybe its only me


No dear it happened with me, the keygen after executing showed nothing , just outline box, lolz, and I was equally clueless as you are.Anyway we got it finally, thats the bottom line , thanks.

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  metal said:
How did you get it, the mobile is not registered too. can you show the procedure thanks


I've posted a tutorial here: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/19819-How-to-make-trading-portable?p=247896&viewfull=1#post247896

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