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Take help from a professional

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Taking help from a professional trader is probably one of the most useful forex trading tips you can get. Many traders attempt to learn how to trade forex on their own, and they end up getting lost in a sea of confusing and contradictory information, this causes “analysis-paralysis” and results in lost money and lost time.
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I could not agree more. if you can afford it, get help from a mentor. At least follow a person (someone who has a course to teach his method) and learn from it. Critical thing is to choose the right person as there are many fakers out there and their methods dont work and they make their living just by selling their courses.
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I am offering myself to teach people trading but not like a lot but teaching them 1 profitable strategy they can make money on even if they have a job they can use pendings. the amount of trade will not be huge because my style require patience and discipline. I made some properiety indies for it aswell but they not like oscilators or momentum indies tottaly different if intrested pm me. 1 thing i am not doing it for free reason is it cost me time to help somebody.
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thing is finding someone who know how to trade properly as 98% of courses on Google are indicator system based trading and say fundamentals is bs no wonder no one is making money.


You are right. Trading is not about indicators, there is more to trading than that and all this emphasis on indicators and the never-ending search for fancy, "better" indicators is pretty much a sign of general cluelessness. You can trade without indicators, or with the old indicators everyone is using. But you cannot trade without sound ideas.

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  • 2 months later...
I think when you say "professional trader", you mean a "mentor". I think a mentor is good to have no matter what path you take...be it trading, selling cars, making widgets. A mentor will teach more than just learning. If they are good at what they do, they will teach you to use your own judgement and not be like a robot just taking commands.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Taking help from a professional trader is probably one of the most useful forex trading tips you can get. Many traders attempt to learn how to trade forex on their own, and they end up getting lost in a sea of confusing and contradictory information, this causes “analysis-paralysis” and results in lost money and lost time.


yeah, sir.. beside i taking help from a profesional trader, i also read secret success from the winners of demo contest from my broker... is there anyone wanna to read it? http://www.fbs.com/news/2012-08-21/18897-999-winners-share-their-success-secrets

Earn 6% CASHBACK from FXB Trading


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I think better focus with the trading system you learn. We don't need a profesional for mentor us in forex trading. We just need to be discipline, having a good money management and the main point is we making more practice so we have a good emotion control.


don't need a professional for mentoring huh? Can a kid learn to walk without his parent's help? Nope, I don't think so. You are making a statement out of logic. Nobody can learn without a mentor. Even if you are learning from google, that is the mentor for you. the mentor can teach you only from his own vision. the goal is create your own if you want to be successful

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is a mentor necessary? Not at all. Will it help reduce the learning curve considerably (assuming your mentor is competent)? Without any doubt.


Hmm, every one have different way to learn about forex. Learn by self from forex forums, take help from a professional, etc. The most important is we can trading well and make profit. :D

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