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The Search for the Holy Grail..........

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I was wondering , if the search for the holy grail never ends.:-?

I have seen at many places , across boundaries, the eternal search continues in some form or the other.

Instead of building one's own setup, people go in for the indicators/systems off the self, even trust the black box ones.

Ok, all done, how many really make money consistently by using those?[-O<

Post your comments and criticisms, we all can learn from those.

p.s.- I am also not immune to such temptations and keep searching.;)

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I liked this quote and posting it here.


While attending the Olympic games, Leon, prince of Phlius, asked Pythagoras how he would describe himself. Pythagoras replied, 'I am a philosopher', but Leon had never heard that word before and asked him to explain.

"Life, prince Leon, may well be compared with these public games for in the vast crowd assembled here some are attracted by the acquisition of gain, others are led on by the hopes and ambitions of fame and glory. But among them there are a few who have come to observe and to understand all that passes here."



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it is imposible for a holy grail in forex to exist .

in order for one to make money, one must loose money . thus if a holy grail would exist and be shared , well, everibody would make money . from where? there has to be allways a balance, thus by definition , it can`t exist .


thats my opinion any way .


!!!! it cant exist and be shared at the same time :D !!!

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  • 1 month later...

The losers have to be there to provide liquidity to the market. I am sure all the retail traders put together cannot provide the liquidity, There has to be large institutional traders & banks that also lose big time.

After all look at the all the recent big losers in the markets such as MF global, Barclays, UBS. to name a few.

There is a fine line between speculation & gambling.

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K12 is right, what is HG?



HG- my definition:


Know and understand MM.

Know and understand MM.


Find system(s) with an edge.(plenty in this forum)

Tweak it (them) until it fits your trading style and still gets you the edge.


Know and understand MM.

Know and understand MM.



never look back,

just stick to it

and trade it like a boring job.

Respect the market, respect yourself.


Know and understand MM.

Know and understand MM.


Cash will follow.

Enjoy Life


P.S. in case you missed the main point, I repeat the most important is:

Know and understand MM. Know and understand MM.Know and understand MM. Know and understand MM.Know and understand MM. Know and understand MM.Know and understand MM. Know and understand MM.Know and understand MM. Know and understand MM.Know and understand MM. Know and understand MM.:D

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  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...

I found the holy grail




a few who have come to observe and to understand all that passes here.


The invisible hand with the all-seeing eye moves price around on the chart. It uses a very powerful "indicator" that we will never have access to.


However our trades can influence how it paints ;)

Edited by Rio
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  • 1 month later...
When I started trading I spent many months finding the holy grail between the indicators. I couldn't find it so I decided to code my own indicator. After testing my own indicators I realized they don't work as they should and can't give appropriate signals for trading. Then I decided to move on and code an Expert Advisor that would trade instead of me. Again many months have passed when I realized that EAs work only under specific conditions and when conditions or market environment changes, they loose. Now instead of trying and testing indicators and EAs I concentrate on my own trading, maybe that is my holy grail :)
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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Well Larry Williams did find the Holy Grail, Literally! OK OK he found the Biblical Mt Sinai,just as good as finding the Holy Grail I guess. Or as close as you can get.And yes that IS the trader Larry Williams not some schmuck with the same name. I kid you not.Bob Cornuke isn't a trader though he's just some Indiana Jones wannabe.Go figure huh?

Watch Larry Williams digging around the holy mountain

Edited by Darktrader
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