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a new ea (gift)

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  windoo said:


This interesting EA make many "modify" orders to make trailing stops


could you tell me what broker will accept so many "modify" orders (20 orders per minute for example)?




Download this version ( with a trailgap parameter). trailgap=0.0007 for 7 pips.



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here some backtests


for stratklod 15e:



for stratklod 16e



The difference between the two versions are : in stratklod 15e stoploss and takeprofit are fixed,


in stratklod 16 e, stoploss and takeprofit are computed as functions of the volatility.

Edited by klod
get only the link, not the comment after !
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Thanks but "Unknown error" with both those links. Could you upload to minus.com

What is the exact time of trade? Is it say 10 minutes after New York open? Just time after London open or New York open will do. I have tried a few times and doesn't look profitable yet.

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  fx4a said:
Thanks but "Unknown error" with both those links. Could you upload to minus.com

What is the exact time of trade? Is it say 10 minutes after New York open? Just time after London open or New York open will do. I have tried a few times and doesn't look profitable yet.


Get only the link, not the comment after !


There are some backtests on activtrades demo



Symbole EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)

Periode 15 Minutes (M15) 2011.09.22 17:00 - 2012.04.12 23:45 (2011.09.01 - 2012.04.13)

Modele Chaque tick (la méthode la plus précise, basée sur tous les moindres relevés disponibles)

Parametres coeff=0.9; coeff1=4; coeff2=5.2; htrade=13; mntrade=10; risque=2; ferme=true; Scalper_Lots=0; Scalper_MaxLots=0; lots_fixes=false; pasapres="2019.07.21"; objectif=0; s5="Parameters for swaps (only for backtest)"; hswap=23; mnswap=59; ColorBuy=Blue; ColorSell=Red; MagicNumber1=1;


Bars en test 7104 Ticks modelés 2484642 Qualité du modelage 90.00%

Erreurs des graphiques désaccordés 9


Dépot initial 10000.00


Profit total net 6711.34 Profit brut 17644.16 Perte brute -10932.83


Facteur de profit 1.61 Rémunération espérée 70.65

Chute absolue 832.60 Chute maximal (%) 1452.78 (10.16%) Enfoncement relatif 10.22% (1043.84)

Total des Trades 95 Positions SHORT (vente) gagnées % 47 (55.32%) Positions LONG (achat) gagnées % 48 (43.75%)


Profits des Trades (% du total) 47 (49.47%) Pertes des Trades (% du total) 48 (50.53%)

Le plus large gains par Trade 723.36 pertes par Trade -262.96

Average (moyenne) gains par Trade 375.41 pertes par Trade -227.77

Maximum gains consecutifs (profit en $) 5 (2133.44) pertes consecutives (perte en $) 5 (-1227.84)

Maximal Gains consecutifs (coups gagnants) 2133.44 (5) Pertes consecutives (coups perdants) -1227.84 (5)

Average (moyenne) gains consecutifs 2 Pertes consecutives 2

Edited by klod
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Hi klod !


This week your EA trade very good with original default setting, next week I try with this setting .


many thanks



  klod said:
Get only the link, not the comment after !


There are some backtests on activtrades demo



Symbole EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)

Periode 15 Minutes (M15) 2011.09.22 17:00 - 2012.04.12 23:45 (2011.09.01 - 2012.04.13)

Modele Chaque tick (la méthode la plus précise, basée sur tous les moindres relevés disponibles)

Parametres coeff=0.9; coeff1=4; coeff2=5.2; htrade=13; mntrade=10; risque=2; ferme=true; Scalper_Lots=0; Scalper_MaxLots=0; lots_fixes=false; pasapres="2019.07.21"; objectif=0; s5="Parameters for swaps (only for backtest)"; hswap=23; mnswap=59; ColorBuy=Blue; ColorSell=Red; MagicNumber1=1;


Bars en test 7104 Ticks modelés 2484642 Qualité du modelage 90.00%

Erreurs des graphiques désaccordés 9


Dépot initial 10000.00


Profit total net 6711.34 Profit brut 17644.16 Perte brute -10932.83


Facteur de profit 1.61 Rémunération espérée 70.65

Chute absolue 832.60 Chute maximal (%) 1452.78 (10.16%) Enfoncement relatif 10.22% (1043.84)

Total des Trades 95 Positions SHORT (vente) gagnées % 47 (55.32%) Positions LONG (achat) gagnées % 48 (43.75%)


Profits des Trades (% du total) 47 (49.47%) Pertes des Trades (% du total) 48 (50.53%)

Le plus large gains par Trade 723.36 pertes par Trade -262.96

Average (moyenne) gains par Trade 375.41 pertes par Trade -227.77

Maximum gains consecutifs (profit en $) 5 (2133.44) pertes consecutives (perte en $) 5 (-1227.84)

Maximal Gains consecutifs (coups gagnants) 2133.44 (5) Pertes consecutives (coups perdants) -1227.84 (5)

Average (moyenne) gains consecutifs 2 Pertes consecutives 2

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