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a new ea (gift)

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  FxNewbie said:
I think the default distance from current open price, the TP and SL need to be adjusted for market conditions. I have had 5 successful trades and one loss from a retrace (all on demo account). I think this is a wonderful tool for deliberate placement - not a set and forget thing.


It's also my advice. So i work on the volatility for ecart and i have found that ecart/volatility is good near 1 (with SL and TP fixed)

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Klod, I still think what you are doing is outstanding. I was wondering if you could make a settings option for Trailingstop (True/False) and a corresponding switch in the block whether to trail or not. I find an independent Trade Management EA (multi purppose trade manager) is superior to trade management in 99% of EA's out there as it can close partial order and use settings to move to B/E and trailing jump in gaps - much easier on the CPU too :-). Keep up the good work! Bravo
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my apologies - I noticed too late. I should have edited the post and asked my other question: there is an EA called Apache Trader which is quite similar to Strat. It has a feature where you can enable additional pending orders "y" pips (intervals if more than one additional) above / below the original "x" pips. I guess the trade management would be getting quite complex though? I look forward to the market opening tomorrow for some more forward testing. Hope your weekend is going well. It's finished here in NZ lol
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Klod, I hope you don't mind me asking questions. I have another: In the "ordersendm" section there are two references to "symb". I can't see any other references to symb and was wondering if it is meant to be symbole? I am a novice coder and am always keen to learn new techniques. I can't see the function of symb when normally I would expect to see Symbol() or your variable "symbole"
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ordersendm is a procedure and the arguments in the definition are only symbolic (like avatar). It's at the call of the procedure that the real arguments are substituted.


void OrderSendm(string symb, int op, double vol, double prx, int slip, double sl,double tp, string vers, int Magic, datetime expire, int couleur)

^procedure ^name ( definition of symbolic variables) { code }



The code of ordersendm is only good for no ECN 4 digits brokers

Edited by klod
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  klod said:
Bonjour (Je crois bien qu'il n'y en a pas beaucoup qui parlent français ici...) . Non je n'ai pas essayé d'autres paires. Je précise qu'il semble préférable de mettre l'heure de trading à 13 plutôt que 9 h


I suggest 13 h for the trading (backtest from 1/1/2012 to today).


Hi Klod,


Could you confirm please if it is 01 PM GMT +1 (13h)

So if my broker is GMT +3 i have to set it to 03 PM (15h).


Thanks for your reply , and congrats for your EA, great start again today at 1.3061 (buy order EURUSD).

Friday sell order at 1.3104 closed at 1.3022, nice :)

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  didier said:
Hi Klod,


Could you confirm please if it is 01 PM GMT +1 (13h)

So if my broker is GMT +3 i have to set it to 03 PM (15h).


Thanks for your reply , and congrats for your EA, great start again today at 1.3061 (buy order EURUSD).

Friday sell order at 1.3104 closed at 1.3022, nice :)


yes, you are right. 13h in GMT+1 (France, me) = 15h GMT+3

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  klod said:
I am in France. There is 03h55 AM. My broker is Activtrades in London. The server time is the same !


Hi klod !


To be good understand , could you shown for us this EA works on GMT+ ?

I remember you talk about this EA works on GMT+ 1 ?


Correct me if I am wrong please !


Many thanks

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  klod said:
I am in France. There is 03h55 AM. My broker is Activtrades in London. The server time is the same !


But for FXCM demo it was 1h55 AM ??


If you see this page http://24timezones.com/horloge_mondiale.php , you see that

time(Paris) = time(London)+1


But time(Paris) = universal time +2 in summer time and time(Paris)= universal time+1 in winter time


I have backtested my ea on the metaquotes archives and i have suggested to set the hour to 13. I think that the metaquotes archives are in universal time, and so in France, the hour should be 15 in summer time and 14 in winter time. Your local time is not important, the important is your broker's time as the ea use it.

You must set the hour to 13 h in universal time.

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  klod said:
But for FXCM demo it was 1h55 AM ??


If you see this page http://24timezones.com/horloge_mondiale.php , you see that

time(Paris) = time(London)+1


But time(Paris) = universal time +2 in summer time and time(Paris)= universal time+1 in winter time


I have backtested my ea on the metaquotes archives and i have suggested to set the hour to 13. I think that the metaquotes archives are in universal time, and so in France, the hour should be 15 in summer time and 14 in winter time. Your local time is not important, the important is your broker's time as the ea use it.

You must set the hour to 13 h in universal time.


Hi Klod,


Would it be fair to say that the EA should be set to put two (1 Long and 1 Short) pending trades at 10 minutes after the London Open depending on your Brokers Platform time (no matter where you are located).


Please confirm



Edited by smurf43
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  smurf43 said:
Hi Klod,


Would it be fair to say that the EA should be set to put two (1 Long and 1 Short) pending trades at 10 minutes after the London Open depending on your Brokers Platform time (no matter where you are located).


Please confirm




13 h in universal time is about the opening time of the NYSE

( http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_time_does_the_New_York_Stock_exchange_open )

and not the london trading time (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_trading_hours_of_the_London_Stock_Exchange )

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