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a new ea (gift)

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I give you an expert advisor with the source code (comments in french) on this link (on my cloud) https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/share/GY47XUVS54


I am the author of this expert...


Comments welcome.



PS 14/04/2012 : new version stratklod15e but in english. https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/share/GY4HSASV54

PS 24/05/2012: all links on asuswebstorage are permanent

PS 25/05/2012: version stratklod16e https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/share/GY49YNU9J4

PS 31/05/2012 last version if no bug https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/share/GY4WANNJ94

PS 04/06/2012 version for exotic lot_step https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/share/GY4M7XWWK4

Edited by klod
last version stratklod16e3b
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1/ Eurusd M5 or M15

2/ the values in the ea are good (backtest from july 2010 to today)

3/ the ea opens two orders (BUYSTOP and SELLSTOP) each day at 9h10 (in France, depending of your time)

4/ profit, stoploss, trailingstop in points (profit = 160 ; stoploss = 100; tralinstop=70 for example.

5/ ecart = 40 points (between the Bid and each order)

5/ risque = amount in % of the balance if Scalper_Lots=0

6/ Scalper_Lots= 0

7/Lots_Fixes= True _> lots are fixed Lots_Fixes= False -> lots are in risque % of balance

8/ pasapres is the limit date

9/ objectif = 0 (maximum) or >0 stop trading when reach.


but you can use others values

Edited by klod
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  alright said:
Thanks for sharing, klod. Is the set time in line with the currrent summer time? If yes, that means the orders will be opened 70 minutes after London Open just now. Is that correct?

Well, it looks like the EA follows the MT4 server time, so on an MT4 GMT +2 I see 2 stop orders (real time is 7:19 GMT just now) and on another MT4 GMT +3 there's no pending orders, which means it'll be waiting until tomorrow. So at the moment there's no way to adjust the time and the orders will be sent at different times depending on the MT4...

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I have been searching everywhere for an EA that does exactly what you have done here. Very well done! And many thanks for sharing.


I was wondering why you have fixed the Instrument as EURUSD and Hour 9 and Minute 10. Surely these can be available in inputs for a user can choose the pair and also the time to activate? I edited the pair to another and the time (a few minutes from the the present) and it worked beautifully. I really am impressed.

Edited by FxNewbie
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  didier said:
Merci Klod, je vais tester ton EA, l'as-tu essayé avec d'autres paires ?/Thanks Klod, i will test your EA, have you tried it with other pairs ?


:) un compatriote

Cordialement/best regards


Bonjour (Je crois bien qu'il n'y en a pas beaucoup qui parlent français ici...) . Non je n'ai pas essayé d'autres paires. Je précise qu'il semble préférable de mettre l'heure de trading à 13 plutôt que 9 h


I suggest 13 h for the trading (backtest from 1/1/2012 to today).

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Bonjour Edgar. Non il ne fait pas de Hedging du tout. Il utilise des ordres BUYSTOP et SELLSTOP (il se place au dessus et en dessous du Ask/Bid et attend ...


No this ea is not an hedging ea . It uses SELLSTOP and BUYSTOP orders (these orders are upper and lower than Ask/Bid and then wait...


I have a modify version on the variation of the Ask/Bid (at the mathematical sense, that is the integral of the absolute value...) but I have a little problem of error 130 (stoplevel )...

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