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NinjaTrader 7 Multibroker HELP needed


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I got a .txt file with 30min data of our index futures in my country separated by a comma, but cant seem for a dam to get it opened in NT.


Can anyone help please?


I have even tried converting it to metastock format and then importing it, then it says its been imported successfully, but if I want to open a new chart to analyze or back test there is nothing.


Help will be greatly appreciated.[-O<[-O<[-O<[-O<[-O<

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Have you looked at the help file in NT7. Goto the Historical Data Manager heading and see if it is helpful. Make sure the data is arranged correctly (along with date format). I can also tell you also that you need to name your text file EXACTLY as the name of the instrument e.g. 6E ##-## or 6E 03-12 otherwise it will not import it.


Hope this is helpful.

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I have now corrected the data so it looks like this: eg its 30m data bars







and still get this error:


20120218 002542|3|4|ALSI: Format error in line 1: Input string was not in a correct format.: '20120213;135859;30560.00;30569.00;30532.00;30540.00;56'


this thing kicking my a** can only think my .txt file is in wrong encoding its currently ANSI???

Edited by e-Invester
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