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(share) Q U A N T U M EA


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Hey, maybe this EA is really especial and different, after all is programmed with quantum code, as per the website:

""This is MUCH more powerful than anything you've seen before," my programmer buddy explained.


"Think of it this way: In an ‘old school' regular software program, the data is measured in ‘bits' and each ‘bit' can only have a value of ‘0' or ‘1'... But in QUANTUM code, a single quantum bit can have a value of both ‘0' and 1' at the SAME TIME. That means this kind of code can store much more information than regular code, and it can solve problems, even codes, that regular computers can't handle."


This EA uses QUANTUM CODE!!! it can buy and sell at the same time! no drawdown! :-)

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  airplus said:
Hey, maybe this EA is really especial and different, after all is programmed with quantum code, as per the website:

""This is MUCH more powerful than anything you've seen before," my programmer buddy explained.


"Think of it this way: In an ‘old school' regular software program, the data is measured in ‘bits' and each ‘bit' can only have a value of ‘0' or ‘1'... But in QUANTUM code, a single quantum bit can have a value of both ‘0' and 1' at the SAME TIME. That means this kind of code can store much more information than regular code, and it can solve problems, even codes, that regular computers can't handle."


This EA uses QUANTUM CODE!!! it can buy and sell at the same time! no drawdown! :-)


Being a mathematician and programmer I'm asking: What's quantum code?!? Here it seem to be a bad joke ;)


I educated this c r a p -EA in less than 20 minutes...


// 2012-02-13 - Educated by Capella at http://www.worldwide-invest.org

// - Decompiled DLL-functions and translated into MQ4-code

// - Removed need for licence

// - Translated all text from Russian to English


Here you have it...




Enjoy :)

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Yes, I remember reading a little about it in College many years ago. BUT, my understanding was that such code would not work on a normal computer, but rather required special hardware that did not restrict itself to just O/1 storage methods. Otherwise it would be like trying to use "Cray" computer software on a regular PC. I don't think it would work very well or would crash. ;))


So, it did not make sense that such code would work on a normal computer, unless the code were bridged or modified, but, then losing its original advantage of speed. :-?


  Capella said:
Being a mathematician and programmer I'm asking: What's quantum code?!? Here it seem to be a bad joke ;)


I educated this c r a p -EA in less than 20 minutes...


// 2012-02-13 - Educated by Capella at http://www.worldwide-invest.org

// - Decompiled DLL-functions and translated into MQ4-code

// - Removed need for licence

// - Translated all text from Russian to English


Here you have it...




Enjoy :)

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Using quantum code on any standard computer nowdays is not possible if you intend to gain the actual advantage of the quantum code. You must run it on a quantum computer. The whole point of a quantum system is that it bypasses the binary limitation of current computers. That is a physical limitation of the system and cannot be bypassed by any means other than an entirely new system.
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Quantum ea has been released several times before. All previous versions failed to perform in either back or forwards testing. This is likely a recycle of that junk to refill pockets of the re-re-re-re-reseller. Bear in mind that it has been offered free as well, including this time round, but of course when you click on the 'Get Quantum FREE' link you're taken to the Order Now page and get clobbered in the usual way. If the sales technique is based on nothing but lies, why should this ea be anything but the same old piece of junk from yet another fraudster? Edited by witzcowitz
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How much is he charging for this Quantum EA with special codes $37.00 WOW i know if i had something that worked so well i definitely wouldn't be charging $37.00 for it (Except Indo-Investasi brothers and sister you would get it for free) but the rest, Man i would jack up the price so high

Guys leave this wanna be marketer because thats all he is.

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Guys, Guys Guys...Just another piece of Junk for you to waste your time on. The Emails I've had over this piece of **** over the last few days is somewhat disturbing. Every Forex marketer seems to have jumped on the bandwagon here praising this as the best peice of software to hit the market since the world of forex began (Untill the next one come's along)


"Dont get me wrong, there are some very good programs and Indicators out there, but 98% of what is out there is total RUBBISH."


The marketers are as bad if not worse than the market makers. They Know there are desperate traders out there who will continue to spend their time and money looking for the Holy grail.


I've seen so many incidents of what I thought were traders selling their own systmes like it was the best thing that beats anyone ele's product hands down, then a few months later they are promoting someone else's product!

Whats all that about..


You heard the saying.. "A fool and their money are easily parted!"


There is NO Holy Grail, and system hopping is not good either. You will NEVER become a good trader if you continue to follow these traits.


Find ONE system that gives you an edge ans STICK TO IT!






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Rubbish. Don't bother.


there are EAs out there that work. and they are the ones that don't promise the world and are now also have quite a bit of live forward results behind them.


all these massive promise, check out our short term forward test on a demo, our backtests are amazing and we bought a porche with the money EAs are junk.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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