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Retry after error -- please help


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i have this code sequence:



if (NewOrdersPlacedS) {

if (flagS == TRUE) {

for (cnt = OrdersTotal() - 1; cnt >= 0; cnt--) {

if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {

if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumberS) {

if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {

ErrorS = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), AveragePriceS, OrderStopLoss(), PriceTargetS, 0, Red);

if (ErrorS == -1) ShowERROR (ErrorS,0,0);

NewOrdersPlacedS = FALSE;









i want the code to do the following:


-- if (ErrorS == -1) ShowERROR (ErrorS,0,0);


-- try again every 5 seconds until order is modified


can anyone guide me alter the code?


best regards,



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Could be something like this:


int err=0;
  ErrorS = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), AveragePriceS, OrderStopLoss(), PriceTargetS, 0, Red);
  if (ErrorS == -1) 
     ShowERROR (ErrorS,0,0);


I would propose that you change the datatype of ErrorS into boolean because Ordermodify returns true/false and that's a bit cleaner.

Second I would look for error 130 (invalid stops) and break the loop....otherwise it could never come back if the error doesn't have something to do with the STOPLEVEL

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