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Tr@d3 Bu1ld3r Cl@551c 3d1t10N v4.8

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  JaiBee said:
It's not educated. Metatrader (IBFX) crahes.


I just downloaded and installed with no problem. Could it be that you need to update your version of MetaTrader? EAs and Indicators compiled with the newer version (Build 4xx) do will crash the older MetaTrader versions like the build 2xx series.


Craven - Thanks!

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  vladv said:
So,the shared version it's fully educated or not?


  hankt80 said:
aparently not.


  FORME said:
i do even not so understand with this one....maybe its just the same if you put the indicators manually hehehehe......but works fine with fxoptimax..... you can put it in demo and trade it with live acc in another broker...... because with some broker this system won't work..


  hankt80 said:
If you dont have the right templates or settings for indis it is useless. Not to mention Marko is doing updates to TB every 2 weeks starting in December 2.


This is craven's share from post #1. IT WORKS now stop crying and be grateful that she was kind enough to share.



Edited by newbie111
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  JaiBee said:
Problem with me is in Windows 7 - on XP pro its working fine


With Windows 7 the security prevents MT4 from updating its files. Basically Windows 7 doesn't let programs write to the \Program Files\ directly without special permissions. This could be a long complicated discussion as to why and how to get around it but fortunately there are at least two simple solutions.


Option 1 - Install a copy of MT4 in some other location than the \Program Files\ or \Program Files (x86) for 64 bit systems. I install it to a folder named c:\mt4\ so I have all of the brokerage accounts together.


Option 2 - Simply move the MT4 folder from the \Program Files\ folder to a different location. If you do that you will need to fix the shortcut or create a new one.


Good luck!

Edited by hitescape
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The link does not work anymore. Please reupload.


Happy New Year!


  craven said:
Trade Builder Classic Edition v4.8


HaPPy ChRiStMaS and MeRRy NeW YeAr! :x

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  ForexMike said:
It won't work because the system is now coded to machines when purchased. The system is updated and sent out to members every two weeks. I recommend that you purchase the system.


I can tell you for sure that it isn't the problem. A friend of mine bought it and that is exactly (as I said- he told me) on what he has experienced. The TB will work on newer versions of MT4,on older it doesn't load and or crashes the MT4 (depending version).Except if it is also a windows problem , but that again isn't a problem of licence.

I also recommend to buy it but be causious with the MT4 version that you have.

Edited by RisingForce
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  RisingForce said:
I can tell you for sure that it isn't the problem. A friend of mine bought it and that is exactly (as I said- he told me) on what he has experienced. The TB will work on newer versions of MT4,on older it doesn't load and or crashes the MT4 (depending version).Except if it is also a windows problem , but that again isn't a problem of licence.

I also recommend to buy it but be causious with the MT4 version that you have.


Thanks for the info but I do have the purchased system and it does require a licensed install every two weeks. I didn't state that it causes systems to crash, you may want to read my posting more closely, I was replying as to why it didn't work. I'm a frequent contributor to the system and submit indicators and templates to the forum. As stated previously, you need to purchase the system to get the working versions.

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  ForexMike said:
Thanks for the info but I do have the purchased system and it does require a licensed install every two weeks. I didn't state that it causes systems to crash, you may want to read my posting more closely, I was replying as to why it didn't work. I'm a frequent contributor to the system and submit indicators and templates to the forum. As stated previously, you need to purchase the system to get the working versions.


OK , I understand what you say but I also talk about a paid version. Since you have a licence, test what I say for yourself , you'd better find a metatrader version that is build 300 or 200 series ( i.e. Download one from AvaFx) and you will see that it won't work on these.

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  bradipo said:
Hello Forexmike. Thanks for the info, I wanted to ask if you're using and if you're successful, you know better than me, do not you try to share but why not to buy the 99.9% of the stuff is garbage that is for sale.


Ciao Max


The system is actually very good as well as the technical support. I do very well with it but it's my second favorite forex trading system that I use. Look at the website, those non-painting arrows are accurate.

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