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I've decompiled the ex4-files and took a look at the source codes. The real name of the EA's are Pips4*****s and Pips4*****s-Advanced.


I've uploaded the files here...




Ps. After posting this I noticed that lots of **** was added into the text. Anyway. The name above is is... P I P S 4 I D I O T S


I did a comparison and...


"S t r i p p e d D o w n F o r e x" is identical to "P i p s 4 I d i o t s"

"S t r i p p e d D o w n F o r e x P l u s" is identical to "P i p s 4 I d i o t s A d v a n c e d"


So it's either stolen property, or the same vendor using different names, just trying to sell it again.

Edited by Capella
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"S t r i p p e d D o w n F o r e x P l u s" is identical to "P i p s 4 I d i o t s A d v a n c e d"


So it's either stolen property, or the same vendor using different names, just trying to sell it again.


Why don't they call a spade a spade. It should be just be called "P i m p e d 2 I d i o t s" LOL ;-)

Edited by Yoda
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