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(REQ) S u p e r B U Y S E L L P r o f i t

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I thought my post#3 was clear enough, :(



Mr KD is a crook, he takes free indicators, change the names and calls it his "new secret, never seen, etc.).

He does this every month / week! For several years.


His latest baby "stolen" is a simple crossing of EMA (5 / 13), (see my pic) but hey, if you still need the "original" to believe me, then .... :-/

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I thought my post#3 was clear enough, :( Mr KD is a crook, he takes free indicators, change the names and calls it his "new secret, never seen, etc.). He does this every month / week! For several years. His latest baby "stolen" is a simple crossing of EMA (5 / 13), (see my pic) but hey, if you still need the "original" to believe me, then .... :-/


Oh cruel Mr Y, giving away Uncle Karl's secrets like that!! How unkind!!


However, that is another $87 you have saved me!! As if....

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You work years on a site and hope one day to make enough money from it to pay "only part of your bills" and if your lucky quit your day job, and just because you take a tiny small text from ones site and copy paste it in yours they decide to take you down….meanwhile some people take work that others have sweated over to complete, rename it and resell it, they are free to run loose and collect money that does not belong to them…( that sounds fair ) ….If only God could make me a man for only 24 hours …I would give these people the happiest 5 min of their lives and if they like it, maybe they have figured out another way to make a living…. Edited by chrisfx
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It would be nice to try out. Please kindly share if you have. :)




Even knowing the Karl just re-names old indys and re-sell them, it still is amazing at the amount of people that keep buying this silly stuff, and some are repeat buyers, No wonder we are our own worse enemy, they know what buttons to push and how to market pretty pictures

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