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Binary Options Strategy


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If you are really interested in trading binaries I would heartily recommend the following: xxx.nades.c0m and xxx.apexinvesting.c0m Both of these offer free training and Nadex offers a free real time demo account and is fully regulated by the CFTC. Any of the other "binary" sites are either pure gambling or flip a coin types.
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I'm currently trading on a demo account with Forex Binary One Touch options, using only a currency meter and an RSI Histogram (mostly only looking at the currency meter)...When I see the strength go 80% or better in one direction, I quickly open a one touch trade as long as the target (which is usually only 6-11 pips away) is 10 pips or more away from 1HR support and resistance. Working very well so far, on a 500$ demo account I made $2800 in an hour and a half. Since it was demo I was increasing my trade size quickly, on a live account I'll only be doing $25 each trade...The winners definitely outweigh the losers as long as you correctly ride with the momentum of the current trend, I'm using 30 minute contracts. If this keeps up it's bye bye spot forex for me, it would take me a year to be able to make $100-$300 a day with current USA forex leverage on a small account. I'm just tired of having a nice trade go into profit and only wind up breaking even or hitting stop losses, and this is way more fun. ;)

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