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  • 4 weeks later...
Thanks Fxeasy5, Just wondering who has "invented" this strategy first? LOL Is it john Meyer or Janus Trader? :-?


Are you saying that this was stolen? Just because the system is exactly the same and the pictures look the same as in the manual?

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These guys are unbelievable--they steal somebody's system and then have the nerve to state this:


"All rights reserved. Unauthorised resell or copying of this material is unlawful. No portion of this eBook may be copied or resold without written permission. 1MinutePips.com reserves the right to use the full force of the law in the protection of its intellectual property including the contents, ideas, and expressions contained herein."


Lately at lot of these $27. systems are being pumped out by the same outfit.

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Are you saying that this was stolen? Just because the system is exactly the same and the pictures look the same as in the manual?


These guys are unbelievable--they steal somebody's system and then have the nerve to state this:


"All rights reserved. Unauthorised resell or copying of this material is unlawful. No portion of this eBook may be copied or resold without written permission. 1MinutePips.com reserves the right to use the full force of the law in the protection of its intellectual property including the contents, ideas, and expressions contained herein."


Lately at lot of these $27. systems are being pumped out by the same outfit.


No idea, was just wondering!

Perhaps John Meyer is Janus Trader, but as stated Forex93, lot of people sell (after re-naming and re-packaging) softs found in numerous forums.


you want recent examples: TFOT = Forex Combo syst

StrippedDownforex = Pips4I*d*i*o*t*s

and so on.


But at least these are sold for under $100, .....there are bigger scammers over internet who sell their "free-stolen indicators" under "gurus vocabulary" for a "little" fee of +$5000 but you know like me that what I am saying is pure invention. :P

Here's how I call people who defend scammers: SadoMasochistic!

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BTW .. the

34 Exponential Moving Average of the Close

34 Exponential Moving Average of the High

34 Exponential Moving Average of the Low


Is from Raghee Horner's teachings and she calls this "The River" put out a few years ago before she joined IBFX ..


Thus these guys are also SadoMasochistic




Good trading wishes

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