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[req] Biotech Breakout Trader

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I hope that the system picks biotechs which are expected to plunge as well as those which are expected to soar...


With potential double dip recessions looming all over the place, now's not the time to be thinking about going long on any stocks never mind flakey research-orientated companies like biotechs ;)

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"Double-dip recession" is just politico-speak.


The U.S. is and has been in a DEPRESSION and a "recovery" is wishful thinking.


The U.S. government will not utter the "D" word as it would admit failure, which it has indeed achieved, in large part due to the two Bush administrations (thanks also to Mr. Reagan, let's not forget him, especially his squashing of PATCO. Any of you guys remember that? OH! and how about Mr. Clinton - "NAFTA"?!).


There is no recovery, the U.S. is not IN a recovery, there will BE no recovery in the near future, we have not yet even hit bottom.


Riots in the streets are conceivable. You think I'm crazy? I live in DETROIT. The setting of the film "Escape From New York" is now, for the first time, conceivable.

People in my "hood" are getting more and more irate and unpredicatable.


You should indeed be frightened.


If the Republicans win the election in 2012 you can kiss your American @sses goodbye.




Sorry to rant, just my 1 cent (real dollar purchasing value).



I hope that the system picks biotechs which are expected to plunge as well as those which are expected to soar...


With potential double dip recessions looming all over the place, now's not the time to be thinking about going long on any stocks never mind flakey research-orientated companies like biotechs ;)

Edited by conglo
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Hi conglo,


I'm not aware of much going on in US politics, I was thinking more about the UK and European situation, though we're all in the same boat on the precipice of a waterfall so it seems.


Tie this in with fxmeter's concerns in this thread and it looks as though we're in for rough times ahead:




This could be the collapse of the whole materialistic world as we've known it so far, which obviously won't come without suffering, though it could well ensure that the earth has a sustainable future and one where everyone is free from dictatorial and oppressive politics and religion (and lawyers ;) ) and are able to return to the their true roots.


On the other hand Planet-X may zoom by unnoticed by all and dodgy deals between countries could patch together a global economy which works in much the same way as it always has done...It's conceivable that countries debts could all be written off in a global pact in the same way that banks write off credit card debts from illegal transactions.


It's all guesswork at these levels, we'll just have to wait and see what happens :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Does This Service Have Potential?


So back to this discussion.. this seems like it has potential.. but its a long term stock trade. he says he holds about 3 positions at a time.. he also said the trades could be held up to about 3 months.. so if he has 3 trades going, that would eat up your 90 day trial.. lol..

I looked this hosting company up on BBB. WealthInsiderAlliance.. seems they did have a few (11) complaints about other services that customers subscribed to, and this company doesnt seem to like to give back their money to the customer..

Regardless of the market situation, there is money to be made out there..

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I did some research on this Wealth Insider Alliance group. Looks like they resell other systems. Maybe marketing? Anyway, you can get this Mark Messier system subscription direct for $697/yr or $80 monthly from biorunup.com. would save you time and money to try him out for a few months and then if its good, buy the yearly direct from him. this other group is really bad at giving refunds and obviously way overpriced.
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