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REQ: Binary Options Str1k3r 9 L1te and Pr0 & Forex BO system 0MNI 11


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Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted... have been looking into other areas of investment besides the Forex market, and Binary Options seem to be quite appealing, whether they be based on Forex or not. Amongst most of the popularly known systems in the BO world, Striker9 and Omni seem to be the major contenders. Take a look here:


Striker9 Lite: hxxp://binaryoptionstradingsystem-striker9.com/binary-options-trading-system-striker9-light/

Striker9 Pro: hxxp://binaryoptionstradingsystem-striker9.com/striker9-full-version/


OMNI11 (Forex BO system) : hxxp://forexbinaryoptionsystems.com/omni11/


The Striker9 videos might be a little annoying because of the way the owner narrates, but the results of the Pro system look quite profitable. And the same goes for OMNI11, which focuses on Binary Option trading based on Forex. Unfortunately, both the Pro systems cost almost $3000, which is a lot of dough. I'm contemplating purchasing either one of these systems, but I wont be able to do it by myself... am asking a few of my friends and online buddies if they'd be interested to pool in to buy one of these systems together...


In the meantime, if anyone here has either of these systems and is willing to share, PLEASE do so! It'll save me and my friends a lotta money and we would be most grateful to the sharer :)

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I am trading the binaries right now, and really liking it... I bought the Banker11 Light, and shared it here, but it is "only" $197. Too much for what I got, I think. I am trading a bit of a variation of it, during early NY or Asian hours, would work for early london session as well... anytime you have a move into a trend, or a reversal, from 10 to 20 min before an expiry..


3K is a lot for a system.. maybe we'll find somebody who has it!

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  napadad said:
I am trading the binaries right now, and really liking it... I bought the Banker11 Light, and shared it here, but it is "only" $197. Too much for what I got, I think. I am trading a bit of a variation of it, during early NY or Asian hours, would work for early london session as well... anytime you have a move into a trend, or a reversal, from 10 to 20 min before an expiry..


3K is a lot for a system.. maybe we'll find somebody who has it!


me too, been looking for it everywhere and cant find one. Can you pls share it one more time? Thks.

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Hey napadad, that's great to hear! Finally, there's someone actively trading binaries on this forum! Found your B@nk3r11 Lite post below while typing out my reply, hehe... nice!



Besides all that, which BO broker are you with, napadad? Was considering opening an account with B@nc du B1nary coz their referral and deposit bonuses are around 50%, but I mite consider OptionBit and Anyoption too. I also learnt that the broker's lock-out time is critical for the success of systems like Str1k3r 9. Does the lock-out period matter for B@nk3r 11 Lite?


By the way, if you dont mind me asking, how long has it been since you started trading this system and what's the Accuracy% you've been able to achieve with B@nk3r 11? Also, what's your usual trading size per trade? ($10 or $50 or $100 or above?)

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Also, here's a free BO system i found online... it's called the "30 minutes to Profit" system. You can check it out over here:


The accuracy rate is around 80% so far. It's based on the Dow and has very simple rules. Good enough to start practising with :)

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Cool, Tek... thanks... I have been hitting about that with Banker, but instead of using trendlines on the prices, I put them on a RSI18. There's actually a RSI-TL indicator floating around that does a good job of puting the trendlines on there for you.


I am using 24option.c0m, they have three different option options... (ha!)... nice interface, and out of Great Britain (london). They called me to chat a bit after I opened an accout, seem like good guys, so a bit of personal service. Ended up talking about the riots, etc.. .


Maybe we can get some interest here, and some good systems!!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, guys.. Look at there result of there website. Their all result are not a real.I can't find any proof real or demo. I think it's scam.

You can find there result are fake.


ex) euro 1-Apr 5th line WWLWLWL --W:4 L:2

euro 11-Apr 2nd line WWLWWWLWLWLWW -- W:9 L:3

euro 11-Apr 4nd line WWLWWWWWWWWW -- W:11 L:3 ...ETC I think It's all fake result.

Edited by ntynamoo
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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...
I've been using the Lazy Day Trader Method for about 2 months now. The system works ONLY under certain situations. In addition, you have to keep an eye on the short trend or you'll lose every time. I'm averaging around $90-$130 per hour. I suggest only use this method no more than 1 hour. The BO companies tend to lag your entry points and last 5 sec expiry. I use TradeRush as my primary platform.
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