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Smoothed Bollinger %b indicator

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can someone expert convert this metastock formula into metatrader 4?


i think is a very usefull indicator




This is the modified SVE_BB%b formula:

{Sylvain Vervoort SVE_BB%b}

period:=Input("%b period: ",1,100,18);

TeAv:=Input("Tema average: ",1,30,8);

afwh:= Input("Standard deviation high ",.1,5,1.6);

afwl:= Input("Standard deviation Low ",.1,5,1.6);

afwper:= Input("Standard deviation period ",1,200,63);

haOpen:=(Ref((O+H+L+C)/4,-1) + PREV)/2;


TMA1:= Tema(haC,TeAv);

TMA2:= Tema(TMA1,TeAv);

Diff:= TMA1 - TMA2;

ZlHA:= TMA1 + Diff;

percb:=(Tema(ZLHA,TeAv)+2*Stdev(Tema(ZLHA,TeAv),period)- Mov(Tema(ZLHA,TeAv),period,WEIGHTED))/(4*Stdev(Tema(ZLHA,TeAv),period))*100;





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Hi tb36670,


This is quite a complex one to code - though I believe that the guys at TSD have created one in the Elite section (though I don't have access there).


If anyone wants to code this, they need to read this article:




And they will find these MT4 TEMA and haC indicators handy:



Edited by soundfx
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ok - I've just found the TSD one, thanks to marthart in the post:




Here's the indi:




tb36670 - if you think it's a useful indicator - how are you using it?

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