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Best System Monorail 28bullbear

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Bahasa Indonesia :


Saya tahu anda adalah orang yang baik dan penuh perhatian pada forum ini.

Saya saat ini sebenarnya sudah memasuki masa pensiun dari dunia forum apapun, dan mulai mengajar dengan memberikan workshop / pelatihan kepada murid-murid saya yang bernaung di organisasi IFC di seluruh negara Indonesia. Dalam hal ini saya bukan seorang Rasisme, namun bertahun-tahun yang lampau, banyak hasil karya saya, yang saya beri gratis telah disalah gunakan oleh orang-orang yang ada di forum juga. Bahkan saya pernah sangat kecewa dengan beberapa murid saya di forum-forum Luar negri lainnya.

Oleh karenanya di Usia saya yang sudah mendekati 50 tahun ini, saya ingin hidup tenang, mencari uang sendiri di market forex dan mencari beberapa murid saja yang bisa saya jadikan panutan di kemudian hari. Saya tahu banyak orang pandai dan juga berbakat di dunia ini.

Anda pernah mengatakan di forum ini juga, bahwa anda heran, mengapa sekarang saya memungut biaya untuk system trading saya kan ? Nah saya sampaikan sekali lagi, bahwa pada dasarnya saya pribadi tidak pernah memungut apapun dari setiap murid-murid saya sebelum sebuah organisasi pendidikan kami dirikan. Anda pasti mengerti bahwa setiap organisasi memerlukan dana agar dapat bertahan dalam melangsungkan kegiatannya. Oleh karena itu maka kami pun mencoba untuk menjual system trading itu guna kelangsungan keuangan pada organisasi kami. Dan kini anda sudah mengerti alasan saya untuk menjual system tersebut ?

Banyak orang hanya ingin menjadi kolektor system trading bahkan dengan kata-kata yang sangat keras mengecam dan sok ahli trade di forex padahal mereka tidak berarti apapun. Nah orang-orang demikianlah yang saya hindari di forum. Mereka biasanya minta pada saya dengan cara yang salah dan tidak sopan. Oleh karenanya sejak awal tahun 2010 saya sudah tidak memposting lagi indicator saya secara gratis di forum tetapi hanya sudah menyerahkan pengelolaannya kepada Organisasi IFC itu sebagai pengelolanya.


Jika bukan hanya tertarik pada system saya, melainkan anda memang mau maju, sukses dan belajar bersama, maka anda dapat bergabung bersama komunitas kami.




English Version Via Google translator...


Mr. Newbie111

I know you are a good person and attentive on this forum.

I currently had in fact entered a period of retirement from the world forum of any kind, and began teaching with the workshop/training to my students who take shelter in the IFC'S organizations throughout the country Indonesia. In this case I am not a Racist, but many years ago, a lot of the work I do, I give free has been misused by people in the forum as well. Even I've been very disappointed with some of my students in the forums of other foreign.

Therefore in my age who are already approaching 50 years of this, I want to live quietly, looking for its own money in the forex market and finding some disciples could I make it look up to at a later date. I know many people are clever and well talented in this world.

You've said in this forum as well, that you wonder, why I am now charging for my trading system right? Well I say again, that basically I personally never picked up any of my students before an educational organization we founded. Surely you understand that every organization requires funding in order to carry out its activities persisted in. Therefore, we also tried to sell the system to the financial trading that continuity in our Organization. And now you've understood my reasons to sell the system?

Many people just want to be the collector system trading even with words that are very loud and blasted the trade on forex expert snobs when they don't mean anything. Well people so that I avoid at the forum. They usually ask me the wrong way and disrespectful. Therefore, since the beginning of 2010 I've not post again my indicator for free on the forum already handed over the operations but only to organizations that IFC as its administrators.


If it were not only interested in my system, but you do want progress, success and learn together, then you can join our community.



Below i give explanation in "How to use any color candle.." and i will give you my one collection candle color indi.. Name of this indi = #Cafe Bar .. no protection, no time limit, no time bomb, no payment to me.. and no decompile again... ;)


You can download at :



set input :

Coding1 = 4

Coding2 = 10

if you want scalp : you can set

coding1 < 4 example = 2

coding2 <10 example = 6


oke.. now you can exploration .. what your set ...


Thank You.. End of my communication.. i will rest again..





Thank You Mr. SEFC. Sir to be a student of yours would be a great honor for me and a blessing for my family. I will pay any price to be a student of yours. I understand and wish you much happiness and good health in your relaxation.


Edited by newbie111
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There are many good system out there. As I have mentioned many times, system are just a tool. Even the same good tool will be used differently by different trader depend on his/her trading skill, thus the result would be different. But a simple pencil could produce a good painting in the hands of a good painter. On the other hand, selecting the tools some times are heavily influenced by trader's trading skill.


Below are trading example of using LST and FMM method.


The trade is an example of trading Back and Forth applying LST and FMM, beware, a lot enter and exit. Result 494 Pips from GBPUSD and EURUSD initiated with Shorting EURUSD prior to Asian session after LST trigger a short alert. GBPUSD was a little far at that time and a never wanna chasing the market.


Complete picture are here:



Just to be remembered: Yellow lines are entry line, red lines are Stop and Take Profit.




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These are the files inside:





!- 1 ninapwc.tpl

# 1-SEFC -15MACD-Fast.ex4

My Channel Colorsv2.ex4



If anybody has any of these, please share!


have u any pic this indicators? share for here, thanks

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