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{REQ} need help sound indicator

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halo agan2

saya mohon bantuan nih


gimana caranya nambahin alert pada indi berikut :


#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Blue
#property indicator_color2 Red
//---- input parameters
extern int       NumBars=500;
extern bool SoundON=true;
//---- buffers
double ExtMapBuffer1[];
double ExtMapBuffer2[];
double spread;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start() {
  int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
int       artp=7;
double    dartp=7.0;
double    cecf=0.7;
int       satb=0;
int       Shift=0;
bool      river=True;
double    Emaxtra=0;
double    widcha=0;
double    TR=0;
double    Values[100];
int       glava=0;
double    ATR=0;
int       J=0;
double    Weight=0;
double    r=0;
double    r1=0;
int       p=0;
int       Curr=0;
double    Range1=0;
double    s=2;
double    f=10;
double    val1=0;
double    val2=0;
double    h11=0;
double    h12=0;
double    h13=0;
double    const=0;
double    orig=0;
double    st=0;
double    h2=0;
double    h1=0;
double    h10=0;
double    sxs=0;
double    sms=0;
double    temp=0;
double    h5=0;
double    r1s=0;
double    r2s=0;
double    r3s=0;
double    r4s=0;
double    pt=0;
double    pts=0;
double    r2=0;
double    r3=0;
double    r4=0;
double    tt=0;

  if( Bars < NumBars) satb = Bars; else satb = NumBars;
  if( Close[satb - 2] > Close[satb - 1]) river = True; else river = False;
  Emaxtra = Close[satb - 2];
  while(Shift>=0)      {
     TR = spread+ High[shift] - Low[shift];
     if( MathAbs(spread+ High[shift] - Close[shift + 1]) > TR ) TR = MathAbs(spread+ High[shift] - Close[shift + 1]);
     if( MathAbs(Low[shift] - Close[shift + 1]) > TR)  TR = MathAbs(Low[shift] - Close[shift + 1]);
     if (Shift == satb - 3 ) {
        for(J=0;Shift<=artp-1;J++) { 
        	Values[J] = TR; 
		Values[glava] = TR;
     ATR = 0;
     Weight = artp;
     Curr = glava;
     for (J = 0;J<=artp - 1;J++) {
        ATR += Values[Curr] * Weight;
        Weight -= 1.0;
        if (Curr == -1) Curr = artp - 1;
     ATR = 2.0 * ATR / (dartp * (dartp + 1.0));
     if (glava == artp) glava = 0;
     widcha = cecf * ATR;
     if (river && Low[shift] < Emaxtra - widcha) {
        river = False;
        Emaxtra = spread+ High[shift];
     if (!river && spread+ High[shift] > Emaxtra + widcha) {
        river = True;
        Emaxtra = Low[shift];
     if (river && Low[shift] > Emaxtra) {
        Emaxtra = Low[shift];
     if (!river && spread+ High[shift] < Emaxtra ) {
        Emaxtra = spread+ High[shift];
     Range1 = iATR(NULL,0,10,Shift);
     val1 = 0;
     val2 = 0;
     if (river) {
        if (p != 1) r1 = Low[shift] - Range1 * s / 3.0;
        if (p == 1) r1 = -1.0;
        if (r1 > 0) {
           val1 = r1;
           val2 = 0;
        } else {
           val1 = 0;
           val2 = 0;
        p = 1;
     } else {
        if (p != 2) r1 = spread+ High[shift] + Range1 * s / 3.0;
        if (p == 2) r1 = -1.0;
        if (r1 > 0) {
           val1 = 0;
           val2 = r1;
        } else {
           val1 = 0;
           val2 = 0;
        p = 2;


mohon bantuannya

dan mohon maaf jika salah kamar atau salah buat thread


sebelum dan sesudahnya saya ucapkan terima kasih

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