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Req: VavaTrade

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Yes, it is a martingale EA, if you go to that page,



you can find the login to their account#2584054 and see how it trades on your charts, you will see it trades up or down every 30 pips steps.

If you read history(not complete) back to may 24th and look at the max lots it happened to trade you will see it went from 0.08lot first step to over 40 lots on july 14th, a run of around 250pips.


It might look appealing at first, but if you had begun to trade the 13th with $10000 deposit, it would be wiped out the next day!


And i've seen GBP running way over 250pips sometimes, so what do you think will happen that day, 80 lots, or 160 lots????


Take care and don't dream too much, or be wise and take off money regularly.



I think if you want to try it, there might be some martingales EA around which you can adapt, but on demo it's always terrific, but on real, you need good nerves!

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There is a company that is using the "My Trading Pros" system and reselling it as a service. honestforexsignals.com. they were called out on it from a thread on myfxbook.com.



Anyway, it looks like the system is decent. I dont like the fact that it takes 2 trades to cover a loss, but overall its made money in the last 6 months.


Anyone find the EA related to this strategy? I just want to see what they are using to decide on trades. Only other way is to track exactly the trade timing and throw some indicators on the screen and see what matches up..

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It is a copier so the ea is not going to help. It is basically a swing system trading only gbp/usd. When price moves enough you will get a signal for opening a trade in the other direction. The take profit is 40 pips and the stop loss 80. You decide about the size of the trade. The idea is that price is usually ranging between levels so if price moves enough in one direction you could expect going for at least 40 pips in the other direction. I am following it since Jan 1st and it is at break even. Not really impressed but at least it is not losing money.
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