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Remote Viewing Financial Markets

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hi all :)



This DVD is for those experienced with Remote Viewing protocol, preferably from Major Dames' Learn RV 4-DVD Course.

The Financial Markets Application Workshop presents the step-by-step process that professional Remote Viewers utilize for predicting each financial market including, FOREX, Indices, Financials, Commodities and Stocks.

















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20O8 .. SEMINAR in NY .. {Kathy & Boris ( fx360.com) & ( robbooker.com) } .. that was one of the subjects discussed .. !!


Very informing and interesting .. as from there have kept up a bit with the subject.


Thus, thank you for marvelous download




Good trading wishes

Edited by Marchello
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The leading Remote Viewing training course on the market.

Includes interactive lesson plans, real-time session and feedback and

FREE online training support.

Amazon link



This is the 4 DVD Training Course plus the Bonus 2 Disc "Remote


NTSC DVD's ran through DVD Shrink and kept as .ISO and includes the PDF

training guides.



hXXp://thepir@[email protected]/torrent/4719010/Ed_Dames_Remote_Viewing_Training_Course



Good trading wishes

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Please read torrent.. ty .. or await for posts from " gelan2000 "

who would kindly post for another downloading site.



I am sure he will inform accordingly as he is THE MAN.


In other words, for now I am as blind as you are " thunderfot "

and will take a while to have it fully downloaded .. found it on searches to enhance the subject ..


Good trading wishes

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Video # 3


[email protected]/J8T74TR7MF


Video #4 is completely .. not working .. might look for proper

repaired video as my tools, none of them fixed it .. tried in 6 different players ..

thus just deleted it ..




Here is an absolutely good course .. torrent ..


hXXp://thepir@[email protected]/torrent/4719010/Ed_Dames_Remote_Viewing_Training_Course


VERY BIG .. 8.67 GiB


Good trading wishes

Edited by Marchello
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Hi Guys,


This is all interesting stuff. I've followed remote viewing for a good while now though have never been able to summon up the effort to try and make it work (lack of conviction in my own abilities plus problems in finding eager assistants to run through all the training etc.).


The military remote viewers all supposedly had some psychic ability before being recruited didn't they?


Has anyone managed to have any success at all remote viewing the markets?


If so, how have you measure this ?


Remote viewing EURUSD now and saying that it will drop for next week proves nothing - good guesswork or even TA can tell you the same thing. However, if you can do this 10, 20 or 30 weeks in a row then that would be impressive :)


I'm all up for believing in this, so for anyone out there who wants a challenge, let's keep it very simple and record each week ongoing what remote viewing tells us about EURUSD.


Before the markets open on Sunday (or Monday for you antipodeans), the remote viewer needs to publish a prediction here as to where they think EURUSD will close at the end of the week. If this is too difficult, then just post whether you think that EURUSD will close up or down at the end of the week.

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Hi Guys,


This is all interesting stuff. I've followed remote viewing for a good while now though have never been able to summon up the effort to try and make it work (lack of conviction in my own abilities plus problems in finding eager assistants to run through all the training etc.).


The military remote viewers all supposedly had some psychic ability before being recruited didn't they?


Has anyone managed to have any success at all remote viewing the markets?


If so, how have you measure this ?


Remote viewing EURUSD now and saying that it will drop for next week proves nothing - good guesswork or even TA can tell you the same thing. However, if you can do this 10, 20 or 30 weeks in a row then that would be impressive :)


I'm all up for believing in this, so for anyone out there who wants a challenge, let's keep it very simple and record each week ongoing what remote viewing tells us about EURUSD.


Before the markets open on Sunday (or Monday for you antipodeans), the remote viewer needs to publish a prediction here as to where they think EURUSD will close at the end of the week. If this is too difficult, then just post whether you think that EURUSD will close up or down at the end of the week.


VERY good points "soundfx "


Thus on new subject -- Trend forecasting ..


" There's not a better trend forecaster than Gerald Celente " {quote}






Many videos / interviews .. google search .. also

" Gerald Celente Black Swan "


FourCorners_Overdose .. video .. also Gerald Celente in it ..


[email protected]/C87L9AVO89


Good trading wishes

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There was some declassified CIA material that came out after the freedom of information act, talking about military think tanks during the cold war. One section refered to a man named 'Mr X', they had drawings he made of Soviet sites he had never seen before which proved very close to what they looked like. One section talked about a viewing he had about a move about to occur in the silver markets. It proved to be true just a few days later and many made money off it due to his abilities.

It can be done, but I believe it would take a skill most of us don't know exists, let alone know how to develope

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