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paint bar forex

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The indicators can be found on the internet. It's the settings that set his trading system apart. This is not an endorsement of his product but I can relate to the price IF he's found the correct settings that yeilds a high success rate. With that being said he would have to update his settings as soon as the current settings begin to fail from market dynamics changing....


I have an indicator with such settings. It was painful research and testing to arrive at these settings before it started becoming a money maker. Would I give it away? No way! HOWEVER, if I was to sell it, I would give a free two week trial in order to prove the system works.


It's too bad these system sellers are so hell bent on asking for money upfront then say if you don't like it we will refund your money. B.S.! The fight begins to get your money back. That's the only reason why I won't purchase such a high priced system. I don't desire to fight for my money back!

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The indicators can be found on the internet. It's the settings that set his trading system apart. This is not an endorsement of his product but I can relate to the price IF he's found the correct settings that yeilds a high success rate. With that being said he would have to update his settings as soon as the current settings begin to fail from market dynamics changing....


I have an indicator with such settings. It was painful research and testing to arrive at these settings before it started becoming a money maker. Would I give it away? No way! HOWEVER, if I was to sell it, I would give a free two week trial in order to prove the system works.


It's too bad these system sellers are so hell bent on asking for money upfront then say if you don't like it we will refund your money. B.S.! The fight begins to get your money back. That's the only reason why I won't purchase such a high priced system. I don't desire to fight for my money back!


Could you ber share here yours indicators such looking same this one?

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Not paintbar system


get the file form forex is biz.com




This is NOT PaintBar.


It's the FREE indicators the website offers.


Be sure to check all files through a virus detector. The System Developer visited another "sharing forum" and posted download links at 4share.c0m with viruses (the vicious ones that take your hard drive file structure apart) so be careful.


Here's the link to a very good online virus detector: hxxp://www.virustotal(dot)com/

In order to use the URL virus checker the file must end in a .RAR, .ZIP or .EXE extension in the URL address. For an example: hxxp:/123.c0m/paintbar.zip


Hope this helps


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Broken or protected when I attempt to decompile... Help needed here


This is a must educate...

Edited by osaze
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Sorry my friend it's proprietary for my future marketing considerations.


Why sell it ..?


Just make your money trading ..LOL


And do not waste your time here .. as you losing $$$ by not trading and babbling .. does your ego need boosting .. ???


Of coarse, proof of a running statement for a few months and not just bursts ..without Photoshop, would prove the validity .. That is the key of proof for validity of the ****, as that is where you now, after .. well maybe.

I would not waste my time for 2 weeks trying it ..LOL ..




Good trading wishes

Edited by Marchello
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The problem with this appears to be that the dll that's included actually contains information and won't cough it up without being validated. That said, here's a sneaky way to get it to work.


Install it as usual, and enter any user and pass (You need to do this or the dll won't be called)

Redirect www.paintbarforex.com to a web server of your choosing (usually via windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts)

On that server, create /validator/checkStatus.php

In that file put this




That will enable the dll to start spitting out and processing the functions that would normally return just 0.

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The problem with this appears to be that the dll that's included actually contains information and won't cough it up without being validated. That said, here's a sneaky way to get it to work.


Install it as usual, and enter any user and pass (You need to do this or the dll won't be called)

Redirect www.paintbarforex.com to a web server of your choosing (usually via windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts)

On that server, create /validator/checkStatus.php

In that file put this




That will enable the dll to start spitting out and processing the functions that would normally return just 0.


can you explain better plzz

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can you explain better plzz


Basically you imitate their registration server so that the indicators will work. Last night I figure out what the hidden functions in the dll do so we don't even need that any more. I need to leave for vacation so if someone wants to replace the functions in the decompiled versions it will all work. Here are the functions and what they do.


int Func1(double a0, double a1); a0 > a1

double Func2(double a0, double a1); a0 - a1

double Func3(); 2

double Func4(); 0.5

double Func5(double a0); sqrt (a0)

double Func6(); 7

double Func7(); 8

int Func9(double a0, double a1); a0 < a1

double Func10(double a0, double a1); a0 * a1

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