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u:D What moves the Dollar? Not BS Indicators!!!

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Hello, I have looked up and down the internet to find any pdfs or videos of Kris Matthews, The Gestalt Shift. I understand that he has retired from teaching Fx.


I have created this thread for anyone interested in Market Sentiment. Please help and post all info found on Kris Matthews.


Thanks in Advance.


Here is what I have found.


Part I Kris Matthews the Gestalt Shift.pdf


Missing PartII and PartIII





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Edited by priceless_knowledge
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wow what a awesome thread this is gonna be such a delight i never thought people would look in this stuff most are all indicator paranoid here systems etc instead of looking what treuly drives the market. I mine experience of tradign now so far i tryed a lot of things i am a consistent profitable trader but the returns are not awesome i also spoke to some good macro traders and they have awesome returns i am learning it now for 1 year so far but still not there where i wanted to be. I hope people can share more stuff or maybe someone eventually can find kriss mathews his course.


Thanks for priceless who probally understands the market better then the 95% here who lose

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i have all his material because i subscribe his mentoring course. Unfortunately i can not give it away because i have much respect to him. But you can do search and research his reading/ebook reccomendations e.g Gary Norden : Tehnical Analysis and Active Trader. BWILC. Steven Drobny : Inside the House of Maney and Invisible Hand. More money than God etc . etc. Trade well
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i have all his material because i subscribe his mentoring course. Unfortunately i can not give it away because i have much respect to him. But you can do search and research his reading/ebook reccomendations e.g Gary Norden : Tehnical Analysis and Active Trader. BWILC. Steven Drobny : Inside the House of Maney and Invisible Hand. More money than God etc . etc. Trade well


I understand where you're coming from, but seeing as Kris has decided not to teach anymore then surely it wouldn't hurt to share on here...

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I understand where you're coming from, but seeing as Kris has decided not to teach anymore then surely it wouldn't hurt to share on here...


Please, as I humbly agree, if not, I respect fully your decision .. " deanyakobs "


Thanking you in advance


Good trading wishes

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Guest desitrader
A soft bump with a bit of disappointment. Whoever is registered on this forum is here to learn from material shared by others and also share their own. It is the worst kind of attitude to say, I got the material but I wont share. Given the purpose and culture of this forum, I think it is not very commendable.
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08-06-2011 10:36 pm


you still can buy his course till now at 2011 august if you willing to pay $ 600. The early website is closed because he make decisions to get another bussiness. He give so much about dirk du toit material. He is so generous about the material. If someone willing to join the money before website is closed down ... Ahhh




08-07-2011 12:06 AM


i have all his material because i subscribe his mentoring course. Unfortunately i can not give it away because i have much respect to him. But you can do search and research his reading/ebook reccomendations e.g gary norden : Tehnical analysis and active trader. Bwilc. Steven drobny : Inside the house of maney and invisible hand. More money than god etc . Etc. Trade well







A soft bump with a bit of disappointment. Whoever is registered on this forum is here to learn from material shared by others and also share their own. It is the worst kind of attitude to say, I got the material but I wont share. Given the purpose and culture of this forum, I think it is not very commendable.
Edited by KING_BUNDA
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