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money grid nh v4 (2 side same time ) modified code by me & more to come (4 face/1 ea)


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hI every one,


am not a programmer but i try to learn the mql4 code the faster i can, last nite i started to modify the money grid v4 nh to a double m0n6y gr1d v4 nh working at the same time inside one ea, when i will succes to found where is my errors, i will modify the double money grid for a 4 face money grid nh v4 ea, with other parameters, to analyse risk involved in other part before restarting their grid, (in no case any indicator will be used) (only mathematical analyse of the risk hit inside other part) ((((((actualy i have no error in compiling the code)))))


i don`t found where is the errors, the compilation show no errors, but i see the error in visual backtesting, the second part with all the same parameter, don't work like the first one, if someone can check the code and found the error, that will be great. my code modified http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J48ILLV2


and here the link for a non modified copy




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correcting error
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this is a strategy tester with another ea (75k started juil10, 2009 to feb 28, 2011), that i have, i skipped the name, i want to make a more simple ea that is inspired of my ea, and in the same time learn the mql4 code to modify my own ea, and this one, my ea dont` work like the money grid vfour, but a part of my idea come from this ea, but in my ea i can change the spacing like i want and much more, actually i can`t find a programmer to terminate my ea (paid programming) because of the complexity and maniability that i want to conservate inside the ea. (i can set praticaly an infinite number of set.., with 110 parameter)(an other one to come).(maybe 500 par. when finish) This project if some good programmer want to invest some time, will have to benefite all of my current idea for making a non losing ea (an inter-active one), (no indicator will be used at any step) except maybe in the futur, but just for modify the spacing in grid, this ea will work all the time, arround the clock, no stop...


am a truck driver, i will check everyday nite, if some programmer have some interest to code with /* explanation inside the code of what they made*/ that will be great, this ea will be shared to all the community. But will be inspired from a private one (that i paid for)(but not finish)(and no i don`t want to share my ea) (when finish i will sell it, and every user will make money)(i tell every user,, i dont know the required ammount for the moment because i can`t test without the required parameter programmed a lower ammont)


best regards




Ps. for programmer in Quebec Canada, if you are a very good programmer and know mql4 and dll, that is able to use one or several dll for only one ea, and able to code more than 2 ea, my wish is 4 principal ea inside one master ea + (3 eas that control the drawdown). this mean (7 eas inside one global ea), each ea can analyse or not other ea to choice the size of his grid start lot. and much much more.


if you are in Quebec and don`t require a 50 000 canadian$ upfront to work, you can contact me at mike_russo_007 my pseudo skype, or my email [email protected],, with subject name (((((7ea inside one master ea)))))) the subject line is very important, because i have over 300 spam email per day,


my first language is french, sorry for mistake.. a meeting will gonna be a necessity before we proceed anything. Une rencontre sera nécessaire avant de procéder à une entente de travail, ou un partenariat sur les futurs vente du programme, sur lequel je travaille depuis trois ans. Pour skype just ask me to accept you with this subject, and i will accept you, i will do it sometime over my iphone, on the road or in waiting time during the day.

Edited by insider007
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just other image of some backtest.



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and a second one




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wish to make some interest

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