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(REQ) Super Forex EA - $2,000 to $1,187,344 !!!

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This EA claims to be very powerful and keeps on profiting.

From 29 June 2010 until now...

Starting $2,000 to $1,187,344 !!!

Withdrawal: $590,000


Login details:


Login: 4096

Password: $1million



Here is the website link..



Does anyone has this EA? Is the account statement real?

Please share if you have this. Thanks in advance! :)

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  forexmoneymachine said:


This EA claims to be very powerful and keeps on profiting.

From 29 June 2010 until now...

Starting $2,000 to $1,187,344 !!!

Withdrawal: $590,000


Login details:


Login: 4096

Password: $1million



Here is the website link..



Does anyone has this EA? Is the account statement real?

Please share if you have this. Thanks in advance! :)


Warning: Excrement Alert!!


Here is what you should do: Stand with your feet slightly apart for balance, lift your head up to approximately normal + 15 degrees. Now take a deep, inward breath through your nose, this is where you will need the balance. The stench will be so strong it may knock you off your feet.


Remember, if it smells like it, it probably is!




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It is a big scam.

Nobody who bought it made money with it, only on Demo-accounts.

The seller has forged statements, has worked with scammer-brokers and made "millions of profits" there

and showed "statements", but when clients opened live-accounts at the scammer-brokers and traded with the SuperRobot=GeniusEA=iRobot=scam-EA, they only lost money.

Dominic Millan, the author of the scam-EA, doesn´t keep his word, he stops supporting clients as soon as they report him all the losses they get and finally he is setting them on his spam-filter

and stops communicating.


The only thing these scammers do is trying to attract new victims.

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  jotas2000 said:

It is a big scam, but I would try.

Please anyone can share the laste version this Ea.



I don´t blame you . Many have been caught by the scammers because they thought "maybe I will find the good broker combination" and "maybe I am the only one who the brokers will not cheat or ban like they did to all those who made money with the EA on live-accounts".


There have been many like you who were enthusiasitic and had big hopes and were not willing to accept a "no" and I shared all the versions I have with them ( I was one of the many fools who paid 2k for this trash ) ....

but guess what: none of them ever made money.

Some did , yes, but very soon all those brokers changed something and suddenly they got slippage

and requotes and instead of gaining profits they continually lost money.


I know that this all does not count for you because there is that devil in your mind who is telling you "but try it, try it, you will make money with the EA, you will beat forex, you only have to fight and not giving up".


The truth of the matter is: you will not make money, you will only waste your time, each second will be wasted ....

but still you want the EA because that deceptive voice inside you is telling you "you will make money with the EA".

It is an endless loop.


I had software developers, brokers and very good coders with whom I shared the EAs and none of them had success , but still your voice will tell you "some of them made money and lied to fxeasy and you could be one of those too who will make money".

We will never come to an end with this.


And it is true that some of those with whom I shared the EAs broke their word. It is their greed and bad character which motivates and drove them to break their word they gave me.

This way the true character of "friends" come to the light.


Anyways, if I find the trash somewhere on my harddrive , I will share it.

Those who are driven by greed will waste a lot of their time with the trash and finally give up like we all did after months and months of daily work and testing and coding and opening new demo and live accounts at so many brokers.


Criminals like Dominic Millan ( that´s what a fraudster is, he is a criminal who belongs behind bars )

stirr up greed in people and "motivate" them to waste precious life-time, but still new victims appear driven by desperation and greed and it never ends.

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people never learn, if somebody make such money with an ea he will never share it for any price.

when it came to arbitrage, i m a programmer and have spent months dedicated to that project

tried almost all datafeeds paid and free, ecn and marketmaker, when it come to arbitrage if demo

you make millions in hours but when it come to reel you got 2 situation:

-work for a while (hours) then the broker find out and flood you with re-quotes

-broker filter good trades with requote and let the losers pass then prevent the ea from close it

(fxpro will do the second technique)

so if you ready to lost some money go ahead and try...

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