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[Free Share] GBPUSD Scalping method from Rit@ L@sker

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Recently found this in my email from Rit@ L@sker, our female version of Uncle K@rl Dittm@n. (Although to be honest, her stuff seems a tiny bit better than those from our fav. uncle, not to mention she is much better looking too).




I have not tried this myself, as it is not my cup of tea. But took a very casual and very quick glance on the chart for last few days, if you stick with only London, and perhaps part of New York, session, it does seems to give some positive trades.


Since it is free, enjoy. If it does not float your boat, you can always delete it from your chart later.


To moderator: I did a search and cannot find this yet on II. But if someone else has already shared this, I hate duplicate thread myself, so please delete this thread in that case, thanks.

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