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Who Can make colour in Block..

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This My first Request and give in 2011..


Below (Pict) ... My Favorite Trading..


I want some one can repro this program and added colour like this..


I was give program in Mq4 and who can make like pict below then i can teach all member how to use this channel


This channel like S/R if you can use it.. And Who can makes that indi (one person , the first post, and the best ), then i can give my gift = Mr.Candy Bar ... :)






i want this ... please re coding again...






This Coding..



SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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The way to do this is to use code similar to that used for the Span buffers in ichimoku.mq4 which is supplied with MT4.


Some of those lines are shaded by default with dotted lines, though they can be changed to solid lines of max. thickness and will show shading similar to that which you're looking for.


The problem will be that MT4 indicators are restricted to 8 buffers, 6 have already been used and we need to use another 4 to show the Orange, Red, Light Blue and Blue shading.


Probably a way around this is to create a separate my_channel_fill.mq4 indicator which does the same calculations as my_channel.mq4, though doesn't use any buffers for the lines and instead just does the shading. When we attach both indicators to the chart it will look like your second screenshot.


I don't think I've got time to code this right now, so I fully expect someone to beat me to "Mr. Candy Bar" ;)

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  soundfx said:


The way to do this is to use code similar to that used for the Span buffers in ichimoku.mq4 which is supplied with MT4.


Some of those lines are shaded by default with dotted lines, though they can be changed to solid lines of max. thickness and will show shading similar to that which you're looking for.


The problem will be that MT4 indicators are restricted to 8 buffers, 6 have already been used and we need to use another 4 to show the Orange, Red, Light Blue and Blue shading.


Probably a way around this is to create a separate my_channel_fill.mq4 indicator which does the same calculations as my_channel.mq4, though doesn't use any buffers for the lines and instead just does the shading. When we attach both indicators to the chart it will look like your second screenshot.


I don't think I've got time to code this right now, so I fully expect someone to beat me to "Mr. Candy Bar" ;)


Thanks SoundFx.. :) ...



SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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  juicyt said:
Whilst we are waiting for someone to take on the challenge... How's about you give us a little detail about your system. Infact, how's about you give us lots of details SEFC.




SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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I don't care if programmer use 2 indi (line and fill indicator)

becouse i need end goal like that pictured above

i'm still waiting... Who can make...

Next .......

SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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mate i did something, hope its gonna be fine !!! 2 indyes 1 colors red, one colors blue. Have funn .




just attach this 2 indyes 2 a chart ( They are importing youre original indy so make sure u have it in the indicators folder.

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1 indy ...That`s all u need to attach to the chart .(still, u need to have you`re original indy in ure indicators folder.) Ok, enough coding for me ... its 1 AM here :D and ticks are coming every once in a while so....... will have a look again tommorow so i include the calculation as well. GN.


Might need to mingle a little with the colors and line thickness, but thats the easy part

Edited by MickyMouse
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Great Coder ....

Name : Mr. MickeyMouse...

If You Interested make EA maybe you can PM me.. I give you Logic Profitable EA (one day One Open and Win minimal 50 pips)


My Gift Just for you alone..= Please Check In Your InBox,

- Indicator

- Template

- Read me First

All in File Rar





Edited by SEFC

SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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  soundfx said:
Nicely done MickyMouse :)


I was messing around with this tonight and realised I needed 8 buffers though was struggling to get more than 2 fills to show properly.




you do not need any buffers to do the coloring if you are running out of buffers to use. This is my version:) :




Just add some code in original file, so that we only need one indicator.

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Guy`s ... i am not a professional coder ore something ... It`s a hobby more ore less... I can code whatever EA ..but indicators i never tried coding... this is my second Indy ... I will have a look later and make them both in 1 indy. If somebody else can combine them faster..please , do so. Never the less i gave it a shoot :D ... Thank You SEFC for the Mr.Candy Bar

regards, Michael

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  pardy said:


Could I request you to share the power candle block signal please. It looks really good. Thanks in anticipation.




I'm Sorry my Friend.. i can't give you .. because i would gift again, if i want request any indi or Re code..

Btw.. My_channelv2.ex4 can give you consisten profit if you not greedy, but still carefull and keep watch.

SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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  juicyt said:
So you are not sharing SEFC? You are exchanging only to and only if someone helps you?

Am I reading this correct Super Moderator? You could probably get that arrangement on FF but i thought here was different, especially from a moderator who is to set the example.



Anda mengatakan "Berbagi / Share" ? Bukankah saya sudah membagikan juga (My Channel )? dan lucunya yang dibagi disini adalah hanya buatan orang lain dan hanya sebagai ajang test indicator saja..dimana mereka bukan penciptanya, Maaf kawan..adakah hasil ciptaan anda sendiri yang siap anda bagikan ? dan tentunya yang bermanfaat serta teruji kebenarannya di pasar forex ! dan menguntungkan anda selama ini ?

Saya bukan hanya sebagai moderator tapi saya juga anggota biasa yang mempunyai hak yang sama.. Apakah saya akan membagi "Hasil Ciptaan saya atau tidak (tentunya gratis)" itu adalah Hak Pribadi saya. Namun jika anda mau indicator lain yang bukan ciptaan saya maka di forum ini sudah banyak sekali.. Nah gunakan itu saja.. dimana anda dapat memilih mana yang terbaik untuk anda.. dan memisahkan mana yang terbaik untuk anda.

Saya sengaja melakukan hal ini karena saya ingin membuat sebuah proyek besar yang masih kami rahasiakan yaitu sebuah EA yang benar-benar bagus tapi gratis (open Source).. namun saya membutuhkan beberapa orang yang juga benar-benar paham akan bahasa pemrograman yang baik untuk membantu proyek saya ini. (mudah-mudahan bisa terwujud).

Oleh karenanya saya minta para coder yang tulus juga untuk membantu project ini dan ini sudah dibuktikan di thread ini oleh Mr.MickeyMouse, Mr. Szelee, Mr.SoundFx, dan masih banyak lagi yang akan menyusul. Namun dalam hal ini saya harus melakukan seleksi dengan ketat.

Di pasar Forex, bukan hanya System atau indicator yang pasti menentukan kemenangan anda, tetapi pengalaman serta pengetahuan yang sangat luas (forex/Index) yang akan membawa anda pada area kemenangan..


Mohon kalimat anda jangan menyudutkan saya dan membuat seolah-oleh saya adalah seorang yang egois.? Apakah anda tahu apa yang ada di pikiran saya selama ini..? dan apa tujuan saya meminta bantuan ? Jujur saja.. saya ini seorang coder, programmer dan sekaligus konsultan trader dan jika saya bisa membuat Indicator diatas , mengapa saya tidak bisa mengisi warnanya.. hahaha pikirkan itu kawan... saya bisa mengisi warna itu.. namun saya ingin melihat siapa coder sebenarnya di forum ini yang siap membantu saya.. tentunya saya juga harus memberikan penghargaan juga kepadanya yaitu dengan memberikan sesuatu yang berharga padanya.

Jika anda seorang coder juga, maka dengan ini saya resmi mengundang anda juga untuk ikut bergabung.. namun anda harus bisa memperlihatkan indicator yang benar-benar ciptaan anda sendiri.


Mohon maaf bagi para seluruh anggota, saya dengan tegas akan menutup Thread ini jika kondisinya :

1. Menjadi ajang debat tidak bermanfaat dan saling menyalahkan atau saling melukai perasaan anggota

2. Berisi aneka indicator yang tidak berguna dan hanya menjadi gudang sampah

3. Tempat saling menghujat, menghina dan menjadi arena permusuhan


English Version :

You say "Share / Share"? Did not I already shared too (My Channel)? The funny thing is shared here is just another man-made and just as a test event indicator alone .. where they are not a creator, I'm sorry friend .. is there any results of your own creation that you are ready to share? and of course a useful and verified in the forex market! and benefit you for this?

I'm not just as a moderator but I am also an ordinary member who has the same rights .. Am I going to share "The Creation me or not (free of course)" it is my Personal Rights. But if you want another indicator that is not my creation so on this forum have a lot .. Well use it alone .. where you can choose which one is best for you .. and separates which is best for you.

I purposely do this because I want to make a big project that we are still keeping secret that is an EA that is really nice but the free (open source) .. however I also need some people who really understand good programming language to help my project. (Hopefully can come true.)

I therefore ask the coder is sincere as well as to assist this project and this is evidenced in this thread by Mr.MickeyMouse, Mr. Szelee, Mr.SoundFx, and many more that will follow. But in this case I have to do with the strict selection.

In the Forex market, not just the System or indicators that would determine your victory, but the experience and knowledge are very wide (forex / Index) which will take you on a victory area ..


Please do not sentence you to corner me and make it appear as by me is a selfish one.? Do you know what's on my mind during this ..? and what purpose I ask for help? To be honest .. I am a coder, programmer and consultant at the same time trader and if I can make Indicator above, why I can not fill the color .. hahaha think about that friend ... I could fill that color .. but I want to see who the coder is actually on this board who are ready to help me .. I would also have to give him the award also is to give something precious to him.

If you are a coder too, so I hereby officially invite you to join .. but you should be able to show the indicators that really your own creation.


We are sorry for all its members, I firmly will close this thread if the condition:

1. The scene of debates are not helpful and blame each other or hurt each other member

2. Contains a variety of indicators that are not useful and only a waste repository

3. Place blasphemes each other, insult and hostility into the arena

SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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  retireme said:
Looking at SEFC's template gave me an idea... give me a few hours to see how it pans out and I will report back.






Wow.. I like your creativity.. hmm.. this "2 line (red and Blue) from mychannel indicator or other indi ?

SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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