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Will this scheme to bypass trial period work?

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Hi everybody,


Just joined 2day. i was going through cracks, patches stuff & thought of this.

well, most trading softwares & indicators have a fully functional trial version. just before the expiry of trial period, i uninstall it, not by windows control panel uninstaller, but through some really good uninstaller program like revo uninstaller.

this will delete all the registry file changes, the software has left behind upon uninstallation & which windows uninstaller has so obligingly overlooked.when i reinstall, the software wont be able to trace the earlier installation & the cycle goes on forever. we can save our earlier portfolio, user settings & reuse it with the new installation.if the software site collects personal information like ip address, any good ip cloaking, anonymising software should take care of that.i havnt tried it out yet. is it feasible? the good thing is "it's completely legal".

Edited by Soldier0fFortune
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There's not blanket answer I'm afraid. For some products it will work, but it really depends how determined the software manufacturer is to protect their software. Apps like Revo which audit the installation process for files and Registry entries will work for some software but not all software lays it's hidden installation markers during the initial installation process. Some leave it a time and then stick a weird registry entry in a daft place or an innocuous file in a dark corner of the file structure that can be checked for on subsequent installation attempts. And of course this doesn't cover the apps which 'call home'.


One option is to run a new install in a virtual machine like VMWare - some will accept it, others won't. Some apps will even work in a simple sandbox application like Sandboxie... I guess it would be boring if it was easy. :)

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