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REQ: taylor trading technique indicator add on for metatrader

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Do you mean the indicator from here? :




This appears to be just plotting lines based on the data given out in daily reports for subscribers - I suspect that this won't work unless you have a subscription.


All this Taylor stuff is new to me (although the technique is yonks old). I've found out what the chart labels mean for interest...


TTT MAp is the possible Penetration based on the new Moving Average Recap sheet

TTT MA is based on the MA recap sheet and represents either the possible Decline level on a Buy day, possible Rally level on Sell day, possible 3 day rally on SS day

TTT MAv is the possible Violation based on the MA recap sheet

TTT p is the possible Penetration based on the regular Recap sheet

TTT is based on the recap sheet and represents either the possible Decline level on a Buy day, possible Rally level on Sell day, possible 3 day rally on SS day

TTT v is the possible Violation based on the regular recap sheet

TTT PH is the Previous day's High

TTT PL is the Previous day's Low shown on Buy days and SS days

TTT BdL is the Buy Day Low shown on Sell and SS days

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