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Fontsize option


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Just a short question, I would like to add a font size option to the code bellow but I cannot manage to make it work, I tried the following code but it is not working:



SetLabel ("iProfit12", DoubleToStr (tu/MathPow(10,DecPts()), DecPts()), ColorOnSign(tp), eiX0Row, eiOffsetY+2*eiStepY, fontsize );



Here the source code:



extern int FontSize = 8;


//| Options positions |


extern int eiOffsetY = 25; // (Y) Offset text vertically

extern int eiStepY = 14; // (Y) Step displacements of the text vertically


extern int eiX0Row = 3 ; // (X) Coordinate of the first column



//| Color Settings |


extern color ecText = White; // Text Color

extern color ecProfit = Lime; // Color profit

extern color ecLoss = Red; // Color loss



SetLabel ("iProfit12", DoubleToStr (tu/MathPow(10,DecPts()), DecPts()), ColorOnSign(tp), eiX0Row, eiOffsetY+2*eiStepY );



Help needed I am sure it is not that complicated...



Thank you very much for who will help me,



Best regards

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I am sure it is not so complicated, I tried to move the "fontsize" option, but the indicator was not displayed at all, then it was but on the wrong corner, then whithout the good color...


Arffff help needed pleaaaseeeee,


Be sure I will share what I am preparing,


Best regards

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