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4x Sentinel (req)

Guest Jayman007

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Guest Jayman007

Originally posted by mograst but in a diff section


(REQ) Broker Sentinel help dicovering Dishonest MT4 Brokers - Anyone?


hey all,

just came across this script/MT4 Add-on. It may help to discover dishonest broker activities (like the dealer plugIn)

Here is a video:

h++p://www.youtube - dot com/watch?v=_RSih-uqKU0&feature=youtu.be&hd=1


There website is here:

h++p://4xtr@der- dot - net


@= a


Does somone have this script/ea to share?

Edited by Jayman007
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If I could send you 1 thousand "thank yous" I would. This is an awesome tool. It seems like Metaquotes took down the YouTube video which exposes the Virtual Dealer Plugin cooperation. If this does not tell you what a bunch of Criminal Bastards these people are at Metaquotes, I don't know what will. For them to run with this plugin for years and steal probably billions of USD/Euros from clients' pockets is one of the worst crooked schemes ever devised and carefully covered up. Are you still using MT4 after all this? If so I advise you to invest in this tool and expose the mofo brokers that use this plugin. If the broker shows positive for the plugin call them and plainly ask them: "Sir, why are you stealing from me?" In this way we can all send an important message to the FX industry that we won't take this bull**** any longer and the cat is out of the bag.


Best of luck

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Looklike the system is from the same author of XtremePipP0acher:


As stated in the url: hxxp://xtremepipp0acher.c0m/



“Unveiling State-Of-The-Art BDT Mechanism:

Find Out The Truth About Your Broker


Now, I’m going to let you in on a secret...


As you can imagine, after trading over 26 years and using over 550 trading systems, I’ve taken a battering from the brokers.


But, eventually, I learnt something priceless from my mentor.


He taught me how to exploit a glitch in their system: a glitch which beats the hell out of their snooping ways.


After years of searching high and low for a quality software developer, I finally found a man who could code this glitch into a sophisticated software tool.


Meet Liu Bo

– an outstanding, professional developer.



This tool uses state-of-the-art BDT (that's "Broker-Detection Technology").


It extracts what’s known as the “slippage” of each trade.


All that really means, in really simple terms, is that this amazing tool analyses each trade and extracts a vital piece of information.


This is then displayed on your trading chart.


END RESULT? It tells you whether your Broker is STEALING from you.


So it lets you turn the tables on your broker!


They have no way of preventing you from snooping on them!


Even if you trust your broker, this is still so valuable. Just to make sure you’re not being CHEATED.


This tool really is amazing. I use it myself all the time, on autopilot.


When I’m away, it works completely hands-free and all I have to do is spend 12 minutes a day to check my trades and make sure my broker isn’t cheating me.


I simply couldn’t trade without it.

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Guest Jayman007

Are you saying that pippoacher has this function built it? I might have to look into that.


I am hoping that someone shares this one. It would be a great tool for all of us.

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I'm confused what the point of the above post is? Is there file available there for download? Why the thank yous?


He brought the tool to our attention. Sometimes that is just as good as sharing the tool. If you don't know something exists then you will not know to look for it. Hopefully someone will share it here as well in the near future ;)



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