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{ REQ } Joe DiNapoli Indicators & Software


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Hello Traders,


Joe is a Veteran Trader with over 40 years of solid market trading experience. He is also a dogged and thorough researcher, an internationally recognized lecturer, and a widely acclaimed author. Unlike some of the academics and theorists who purport to know the markets.


Joe's exhaustive investigations into Displaced Moving Averages, his creation of the proprietary Oscillator Predictor and MACD Predictor, and in particular, his practical and unique method of applying Fibonacci ratios to the price axis, makes him one of today's most sought after experts.


Joe DiNapoli is a registered CTA and for over 25 years, has taught his techniques in the Major Financial Capitals of Europe, Asia, Russia, the Middle East, and South Africa as well as in the United States.


In 1996 alone Mr. DiNapoli gave presentations to Capacity Audiences in over 23 Financial Centers around the Globe.

His articles have appeared in a wide Variety of technical publications across theNation and Worldwide.


He was a contributing author to "High Performance Futures Trading, Power Lessons From The Masters", selected 1990 book of the year by Super Trader's Almanac.

He has also authored the "Fibonacci Money Management and Trend Analysis In Home Trading Course" which has been lauded by professional and novice traders alike.

His most significant work to-date is the book "Trading with DiNapoli Levels", which has become the industry standard for students of Fibonacci trading techniques. The book has been translated into 7 languages to date.


The "Atlanta Constitution" cited Joe's work by referring to the "magical power" of Fibonacci ratios in the market place.

Joe has used this magic time and again on national TV to make both startling and uncannily accurate market predictions, particularly in stock market indexes and interest rate futures.




Does Anyone has ALL DiNapoli Indicators & Software, please SHARE...


Many thank's in Advance :)

Edited by Tsar
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it does not seems like for meta4...


but if u looking for indicator then




above is one of the site for free indicator


just search dinapoli mq4 in google u will find out more indicators.


I have no clue about the software part.

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