mynameisandhy Posted November 27, 2013 Author Report Share Posted November 27, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Germany) GfK : German Consumer Sentiment Jumps to 6 - Year Peak Level Wednesday, November 27, 2013 Consumer sentiment in Germany soared to its highest level in more than six years , supported by growth in the labor market are impressively solid earnings expectations , based on a monthly survey of approximately 2,000 consumers . " Consumers will be the main pillar of the economy that determines this year , and will play a key role in the overall economic growth in 2014 , " said the German market research agency , GfK , on Wednesday . GfK report showed German consumer sentiment index will rise to 7.4 in December from 7.1 this month , which broke expectations rise slightly to 7.1 from economists . Although GfK 's main indicator refers to the month of December, all the sub - indicators still refers to the current month . The results of the survey also showed consumer income expectations rose to the highest level since March 2001 . While interest expenditure index touched a 7- year as economic expectations of households perched at the highest level since July 2011 . Some analysts argue if the GfK survey will be valuable to retailers German capital in welcoming the Christmas season . Retailers association , HDE , predicts sales in the Christmas season this year will increase by 1.2 % from the same period last year . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted November 27, 2013 Author Report Share Posted November 27, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK) Supporting Consumer Spending UK Q3 GDP Wednesday, November 27, 2013 UK economic growth in the 3rd quarter of this year driven by the fastest rise in household spending in over 3 years , which is only partially offset the sharp decline in exports . A finding that is at risk of exacerbating fears that the economic recovery will take place only limited . Office for National Statistics report Wednesday confirmed the UK 's economic growth of 0.8 % in the 3rd quarter , with the largest contribution coming from consumer spending . Consumers have increased spending by 0.8 % during the period from July to September , which completes the phase increment for 8 consecutive quarters and was the fastest in more than three years . However, details of the ONS report showed UK exports recorded a decline of 2.4 % in the 3rd quarter . Which when combined with the increase in imports , would erode approximately 0.9 % of the rate of economic growth . With household incomes continue to decline in real terms , due to the lagging wage growth by the rate of inflation since the financial crisis , made ​​a number of Bank of England policy makers concerned about the sustainability of the economic recovery is dependent on consumer spending . That's what seems to be a reason to commit the BoE will not tighten policy until sustained recovery period look , although economic performance since the beginning of this year have exposed the UK as one of the fastest growing developed countries . However , the current UK GDP remained 2.5 % below its pre-recession peak in early 2008 . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted November 28, 2013 Author Report Share Posted November 28, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Italy) Berlusconi Excluded From the Italian Parliament Thursday, November 28, 2013 Senate ousted former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of his position as a member of the Senate tax scandal. It's certainly an embarrassment for Berlusconi and will strengthen the desire to position the party as the opposition Forza. It also means that Berlusconi would be more susceptible to other criminal cases has given the loss of Berlusconi immunity. Italian lawmakers have immunity from prosecution as long as he can still maintain his position in parliament. Despite Berlusconi's party has attracted support from a coalition government; however the coalition government of Prime Minister enricco Letta may still be able to survive. Letta has managed to win a vote of confidence in parliament on Tuesday after 30 MPs defected from the party Forza and give support to the government Letta. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted November 28, 2013 Author Report Share Posted November 28, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK) BoE It appears Will Focus On Housing Sector Thursday, November 28, 2013 The Bank of England will provide the latest assessment of the UK housing market and whether the assessed risk of asset bubbles will occur , in the semi-annual financial stability report on Thursday at 17:30 pm later . The housing sector will be the main theme of the current BoE Financial Stability Report presented irst first since Governor Mark Carney held in the month of July, according to a letter from Carney . Supported by economic optimism , lax credit and is government scheme to encourage the construction and housing sector , house prices in the UK is now up to the fastest pace in three years . This increase will trigger anxiety among observers bubbles . Carney calm nerves as he faces the Treasury Committee of the UK Parliament belongs on Tuesday . The price increase is still largely concentrated in the London area , he said , and the activity and home prices are still below pre-crisis levels . But in a letter to the head of the committee , Andrew Tyrie , Carney said the Bank of England Financial Policy Council will explore the issue further in the report and will advise further steps if needed . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted November 28, 2013 Author Report Share Posted November 28, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Germany) German Unemployment Rate Up For Fourth Month Thursday, November 28, 2013 Germany 's unemployment rate rose for the fourth month in November , msenandakan uneven recovery in Europe's largest economy . The number of unemployed increased by 10,000 to 2,985 million people , after an upwardly revised 3,000 for not October, according to the report of the Federal Labor Agency in Nuremberg today. Economists expect no change . The unemployment rate was adjusted unchanged at 6.9 % . German rely on the domestic economy as the euro zone , its biggest export destination , trying to maintain the pace of recovery . Germany's economic growth rate in the third quarter by 0.3 % entirely driven by domestic demand , led by capital investment and construction . The level of consumer confidence rose to its highest level in 6 years Leih next month , according to a survey by GfK SE yesterday . " The German economy is growing in a moderate pace in the fourth quarter and this is reflected in the number of unemployed , " according to Andreas Moeller , an analyst at the Bank in Dusseldorf WGZ file . " The low level of demand from other euro zone countries affect the level of exports , while investment income and strengthened . " Economists expected fourth quarter GDP Germany will expand by 0.4 % , double the forecast for the euro zone . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted November 29, 2013 Author Report Share Posted November 29, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK) UK Housing Sector Recovery, BOE Signals End of Stimulus Friday, November 29, 2013 Mark Carney Bank of England was moving in the direction of the policy that has never been reached in more than 6 years . Carney took steps yesterday to prevent potential inflation of the housing sector by changing the loan support program , two weeks after it raised its growth forecast and signaled interest rates may rise sooner than previously expected . Data today that showed house prices in the UK is at its highest level in more than 5 years , and the bank approves the mortgage at the most since 2008 reinforces the reason such a move . " It is a signal that the Bank of England are optimistic on the economy , " said Jeremy Hale , head of macro strategic in Citigroup Inc. . in London . " The market has been regarded as a signal that the period of low interest rates will end . It will probably take England towards tightening faster than other developed countries . " The pound rose to its strongest level since January as investors confidence that the changes to the Funding for Lending Scheme will encourage the BOE to withdraw stimulus as the economy grew at the fastest pace in three years . This policy direction contrasts with the European Central Bank , which cut interest rates last month and reviewing what should be done to maintain the flow of credit . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted November 29, 2013 Author Report Share Posted November 29, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone European Inflation Data Still Not Good ? Friday, November 29, 2013 Eurozone inflation data were higher than expected on Friday can not do much to allay anxiety deflation , with some analysts still expect the European Central Bank ( ECB ) will introduce new policy measures . Eurozone consumer price index rose in November , higher than market expectations , but still far below the target of the European Central Bank ( ECB) is 2 % . The annual inflation rate rose to 0.9 % in November , from 0.7 % in the month of October, according to estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union on Friday . The euro stabilized against the dollar after the data was released . Meanwhile , separate data showed the euro zone unemployment rate fell to 12.1 % in October , from a record high of 12.2 % in September . Jonathan Loynes , chief European economist at Capital Economics , cautioned that Friday 's inflation data does not change the big picture , and the risk of deflation is still there . " The inflation data and the current unemployment rate of the euro zone will not bear much fruit in reducing the pressure on the ECB to take additional measures to support the recovery and reduce the risk of deflation , " he said on Friday . " Plus, there are a number of reasons to estimate the rate of inflation will continue to fall , including the strengthening of the euro . " The slow rate of price growth continues to engulf the euro zone economy , and the data that low inflation last month pressing the ECB to act . As a result , the central bank cut its main rate to 0.25 % bugna of 0:50 % at the November meeting . Some analysts now believe that the central bank can increase the current stimulus policies Policy Council meets Thursday in Frankfurt next week . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted November 29, 2013 Author Report Share Posted November 29, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK) Mortgage approvals in the UK Almost Reaches High Level 6 Years Friday, November 29, 2013 Banks in the UK approved mortgage amount the most in nearly 6 years in October , according to the Bank of England on Friday , a day after announcing that it would seek to reduce the risk of inflation of the housing sector . Home loan approvals rose to 67.701 in October from 66,891 in September . The figure is the highest level since February 2008 , although the level was below the pre-crisis average of around 90,000 . Economists forecast a bigger rise into 68.500 . Last month the Bank of England launched a scheme that is guaranteed by the state to trigger a housing loan under the program's Help to Buy government property . On the day we , the BoE unexpectedly said it will end the incentive for banks to provide mortgages as part of a scheme Funding for Lending and FLS will focus on business loans . UK housing market , where prices dropped by seperlia post-financial crisis , has recovered steadily since last year , supported by economic recovery and loan schemes . In October , the government launches a new phase memajuka Help to Buy to facilitate the borrowers with low deposit to get a mortgage . The government said the plan would encourage the purchasing power and construction , but critics worry it will only push up the price of the home . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 2, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 2, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Switzerland) The Swiss Manufacturing Outlook Bright in November Monday, December 2, 2013 Order rate is high enough to help the activity of Swiss manufacturing sector to expand for 8 consecutive months in November , meurut survey released Monday . Swiss manufacturing PMI rose to 56.5 from 54.2 in October , breaking expectations for a rise to 55.0 . PMI showed a high level of pesananyang and production levels continue to rise in November , and the company increased the number of workers . But the survey organizers warned that the supply of the goods purchased have been completed and continue to fall , indicating that the short turnaround time for goods and ternd toward " the timely production " is often a short-term increase in the level of orders . " This makes it more difficult enterprise industry investment plan , which will likely result in a weak investment climate , " said association SVME PMI Switzerland and Credit Suisse . " Therefore terbutk current recovery is weaker than expected in the base level of demand . " Switzerland 's economy is closely linked to the euro zone as its largest trading partner , and exporters expect the improving outlook for the euro zone will lead to higher demand for their goods . Other recent data also showed accelerated recovery in Switzerland in the coming months . The main indicator rose to its highest level since July 2011 in the month of November. The SNB will hold monetary policy assessment keuartalan next week , expect the economy to grow between 1.5 % and 2.0 % this year . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 2, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 2, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone Manufacturing PMI Italy Under Expectations, Spain Back to contract Monday, December 2, 2013 Italian and Spanish manufacturing activity showed different figures, Italian PMI manufacturing index showed further expansion, while Spain again to contract. Italian PMI manufacturing index for November release of 51.4 in accordance with the predictions of economists, and higher than the previous month when it dropped slightly to 50.7. November manufacturing index was the highest since June 2011. The results obtained differ from country matador, Spain's manufacturing sector contracted again after expanding in three consecutive months. Spanish manufacturing PMI index released of 48.6 is lower than the prediction of 51.3 and 50.9 from the previous month. Based on surveys, orders fell for the first time in the last six months, giving an indication of the activity is not likely to rebound in the near future. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 2, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 2, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone Euro Zone Manufacturing Sector Recovery, Anxiety Always There Monday, December 2, 2013 Eurozone manufacturing sector accelerated to the fastest pace in two and a half years in November , driven by a rise in the level of production , but anxiety about the health of the economy are still there . PMIsektor manufacturing of Markit released at 51.6 in November , compared with 51.3 in the previous month . The data marked growth for 5 consecutive months in the manufacturing sector and higher -than-expected 51.1 sebeasr . This data is the highest level since June 2011 . But Markit chief economist Chris Williamson said that despite the eurozone manufacturing sector was in the best performance so far, the rate of growth is still slow . " The results of the survey of the manufacturing sector PMI in November good overall , but indicates that there is still much to worry about the health of the euro zone economy , " according to the question while the data was released . " Signal recovery most of conveying mostly donated by the states of the North , with strong growth rates printed by Germany , the Netherlands , and Austria . Other countries in the south continued to disappoint , especially French and Spanish who turned degenerate . " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 3, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Cyprus) Minister of Finance : Cyprus Has Been Out Of ' Danger Zone ' Tuesday, December 3, 2013 People who are obliged to prosecute Cyprus to get out of the close of the financial crisis says that his country situation improves. Harris Georgiades , Cyprus finance minister said " We have come out of the danger zone , we 're stabilizing the situation , taking charge of the situation , barriers still exist , but I think this is being recognized by rating agencies . " Cyprus 's credit rating was raised to B - / B from CCC plus / C by rating agencies Standard & Poor's last month . S & P said the short -term risks to the tightening program in Cyprus have eased . Cyprus memerlakukan control currency in March on fears of banking . One of the largest banks , Bank of Cyprus , according recapitalized scheme , while others are closed . Cyprus People can not use checks or withdraw more than 300 euros per day . Cyprus seeks to resolve ban capital in early 2014 , Georgiades said after meeting with U.S. officials . " Methods of gradual but steady is the most appropriate given the circumstances of our time like this and will continue , " he said . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 3, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Spain) Spanish Unemployment Rate In line with government projections Tuesday, December 3, 2013 The number of registered jobseekers in Spain for the first time in history managed to record a decline in November , which indicates if the 4th largest economy Eurozone unemployment has gone through the worst phase of the crisis . The Labor Department report on Tuesday showed the number of Spaniards who filed applications for unemployment benefits fell by as much gain from October 2475 to around 4.8 million . Throughout the past 12 months , the number of registered unemployed in Spain have dropped as much as 98 909 . These figures also support the projected government and private agencies that Spain does not expect the unemployment rate to rise even more before declining next year . Although the Labor Department did not provide an exact figure unemployment rate in Spain , the data statistics institute INE reported last October showed Spanish jobless rate fell to 26 % in the 3rd quarter from 26.3 % in the 2nd quarter . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 3, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Italy) EU 's Rehn : Italy Less Fast Debt Trimming Tuesday, December 3, 2013 Italy is not fast enough to cut its debt and does not have room to maneuver cut the structural deficit , according to Olli Rehn , Economic and Monetary Affairs Commission of the European Union in an interview released in Italian newspapers on Tuesday . " Italy should reach a certain speed in trimming debt , and Italy did not achieve it , " Rehn said in La Repubblica . " To be able to do so , should structural adjustment equal to half the percentage of gross domestic product , and it was only 0.1 % . Due to this reason, Italy has no room to maneuver and can not create fleksbilitas clause for investment . " Rehn said Italy has great potential for growth and can emncapai better growth rates than other countries if successful in reforming the economic system and judiksinya . " Assessment of expenditure is very important , but it would be more important if you do spending cuts in 2014. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 4, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 4, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone Eurozone Private Sector Recovery Losing Momentum Wednesday, December 4, 2013 The recovery in the euro zone's private sector lost momentum in November , according to a survey released hasl Wednesday that once again highlights the difference between the number of blocks of Europe 's largest economies . Gabunngan Markit PMI for November bullae , which monitors the activities of thousands of companies in the manufacturing and service sectors , fell to 51.7 from 51.9 in October . However, the data is still better than expected to 51.5 and the fifth month the PMI index is above the 50 level that separates between perumbuhan and contraction . " Final PMI data confirm that the eurozone recovery lost momentum in November . Growth rate is still very fragile already clearly very worrying , " said Chris Williamson , chief economist at Markit . PMI covers the dominant services industry in the European region fell to 51.2 from 51.6 , although better than the previous data at 50.9 . The euro zone as a whole has managed to come out of the longest recession this year , supported by stronger growth rate than expected in Germany . However, a Reuters poll last month showed the level of growth is inhibited at 0.2 % this quarter . Williamson said the PMI data refer to the same growth rate , but warned that the data from France increases the likelihood that the country will re-enter recession . Italian PMI showed a decrease in length will grow up to tenth quarter . French composite PMI fell to 48.0 and only scored twice in the top 50 releases in the last 21 months . Italian service sector PMI also dropped below the level of 50 to 47.2 from 50.5 in October . However, the German composite PMI jumped to a 29 -month high at 55.4 as the company added more workers to meet the surge in orders . Spanish service sector index was comfortably above the 50 level . Divergent signals growth will complicate the debate at a meeting of the European Central Bank to establish a policy on Thursday . Not the ECB unexpectedly cut interest rates to a record low of 0:25 % after inflation fell to near a four -year low at 0.7 % in October . While the rate of inflation rose to 0.9 % last month , the level is still below the ECB's target of 2% , and PMI data showed companies are still lower prices to increase their business . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 4, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 4, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK) Markit / CIPS : UK Service Sector Growth Slows Slightly Wednesday, December 4, 2013 UK service sector growth seen slowing slightly in the last month , based on the results of a survey released Wednesday . Nonetheless , the overall economic data still provide the latest British firm footing for the government to update the budget report this week . Reports Markit / CIPS showed UK service sector activity index slipped to a level of 60.0 in November from 16 - year highs at 62.5 in October . The number is still 2 points below economists' expectations of 62.0 . However, the manufacturing and construction surveys have shown impressive results this week , making the UK economy still persist on the path to accelerated growth in the 4th quarter . Referring to the results of the 3rd index , Markit estimates that UK GDP will accelerate from 0.8 % in the 3rd quarter to more than 1.0 % in the last 3 months of this year . " Despite a slight slowdown signaling services index in November , the UK economy is still able to maintain an impressive growth rate potential , " said Markit chief economist Chris Williamson . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 4, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 4, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone Euro Zone Runs Slow Recovery , Retail Sales Disappointing Wednesday, December 4, 2013 The increase in supply and maintain investment eurozone economic growth to remain in positive territory in the third quarter kendari the contribution of trade and the absence of negative thrust up from the level of demand for homes that date back to weaken in October , according to data on Wednesday . Statistical Office of the European Union confirmed the previous estimate of GDP in the 17 countries that use the euro rose 0.1 % in the quarterly base to a decline of 0.4 % to an annual rate . Worth 9.5 trillion euro economy is successfully emerged from recession in the second quarter with a quarterly growth rate of 0.3 % sebeasr , ending the longest contraction since the creation of the euro . However, the recovery still seems fragile and uneven, depressed by unemployment rates are at a record high , tightening fiscal policy , slow pace of structural reforms and strengthening the euro hurt exporters in Europe . In a separate report , Eurostat said retail sales in the euro zone , the size of the high level of consumer demand , fell unexpectedly in October , referring to the continued weakness in private consumption levels at the beginning of the fourth quarter . Sales fell by 0.2 % in October after falling 0.6% in September . Economists predict retail sales will be flat rate . Compared with the same period last year , retail sales fell 0.1 % , after rising by 0.3 % in September . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vic84 Posted December 4, 2013 Report Share Posted December 4, 2013 Manufacturing sector has been increasing in the eurozone, positive sign for the european market............. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 5, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 5, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (France) French Unemployment Rate Rises Back Thursday, December 5, 2013 The unemployment rate in France rose to its highest level in nearly 16 years in the 3rd quarter , which brings a fresh blow to President Francois Hollande who has been determined to bring down the unemployment rate by the end of this year . The unemployment rate in the 2nd largest economy euro zone rose to 10.9 % in the 3rd quarter from 10.8 % in the 2nd quarter , according to national statistics agency Insee reported Thursday. With the number of unemployed who have never recorded a decline since the beginning of 2011 , delivering the unemployment rate to its lowest level since early 1998 . Chief European economist at Barclays , Philippe Gudin , argues that the " reversal of the unemployment curve is still possible , although the French economy was in a phase of stabilization is still very fragile . " As is known , President Hollande continues to combat unemployment which became the key economic policy . However, the achievement of a lower unemployment rate appears to have been hampered by weak economic growth . After successfully recovering from recession in the second quarter , the latest GDP figures show the output of the French economy shrank back in the 3rd quarter . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 5, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 5, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK) BoE Holds the Post-Raise Self Growth Thursday, December 5, 2013 Bank of England (BoE) does not change the interest rate and monetary stimulus on Thursday, as Britain's finance minister expressed semiannual economic assessment. Board development policy the central bank opted to keep interest rates at a record low 0.5% and did not change the amount of asset purchases at 375 billion pounds (613 billion dollars). The absence of new measures from the BoE is currently led by Mark Carney have been expected given the previous comments that the bank will not consider raising interest rates until the unemployment rate drops to 7%. Monetary policy is taken as Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne's Autumn Statement delivered to Parliament. Osborne deliver short-term projected growth rate of the UK economy are significantly higher by an independent agency Office for Budget Responsibility. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 5, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 5, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK) Osborne Welcomes Growth Rate Rebounds In UK Thursday, December 5, 2013 Finance Minister George Osborne welcomed the sharp recovery in the economy as a justification of his efforts to eliminate the budget deficit on Thursday , but he said he would not loosen the grip pengetatannya the next few years . The UK economy will grow much stronger in 2013 and 2014 than forecast in March , said Osborne , a relief that Prime Minister David Cameron will face elections within 17 months ago , and the size of the budget deficit will be balanced on the fiscal year 2018/19 . " We are very relieved when they are predicting there will be no pertumbuha until we again raise the level of spending has been proven wrong , " he said in parliament over the government's economic plan renewed every half year. Earlier in the year , Osborne reap many of the harsh criticism by opposition parties as a stagnant economy . International Monetary Fund also urged him to increase the level of spending . But the sudden rise in the rate of growth in recent months means the coalition government's aim to improve public finances is no longer impossible . Osborne said the UK growth rate faster than other developed countries , including the United States , and announced the first major decline in public borrowing projections since the coalition came to power in 2010 . Osborne said the budget estimates by bada UK watchdog , the Office for Budget Responsibility , also shows the rate of economic growth in this fiscal year is expected to be at the level of 1.4 % , rising to 2.4 % in 2014/2015 . This is an upward revision of the estimated ORB beasr enough in March to a growth of 0.6 % this year and 1.8 % in 2014/2015 . However, the gross domestic product is lower than the level before the financial crisis and Osborne stressed that the UK would face more spending cuts in the coming years to re-balance public finances and restore the health of the economy . " Plan for the UK economy running smoothly . Yet the task is not yet finished , " said Osborne , warned that the budget deficit sturktural , which is not helped by the improving economy , is not expected to fall much faster than previously expected . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 6, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 6, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Germany) Bundesbank Raises German Growth Outlook Friday, December 6, 2013 Bundesbank raised the growth rate of protection country eurozone's biggest economy for this year and next year on Friday , highlighting the growing gap between eurozone member states . Bundesbank estimates that Germany will grow 0.5 % this year and 1.7 % next year , compared with a forecast in June of 0.3 % and 1.5 % , respectively . Semester projection also estimates a growth of 2.0 % in 2015. Germany has been a major driver of the euro zone recovery , which has lost some momentum recently with major economies such as France and Italy began to slow down . Bundesbank said the upward revision in the growth rate is mainly due to the level of domestic demand rather than overseas , benefiting from low interest rates and rising incomes . " The German economy was in solid form ; low unemployment , increase employment , and wage growth rate back to normal , " said Jens Weidmann Bundesbank President . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 6, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 6, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Switzerland) Fiscal reserves SNB Slightly in November Friday, December 6, 2013 Foreign currency reserves Swiss National Bank ( SNB ) rose only 0.2 % in November as the franc stable against the dollar and the euro . Central banks have 435 663 billion Swiss francs ( 485.4 billion dollars ) last month , compared with 434 724 billion francs in October , according to data on the SNB website today. Economists estimate for the fiscal reserves rose to 435.1 billion francs . SNB has reached a record number of reserve currencies through currency market intervention to maintain the 1.20 per euro limit provides for the franc in September 2011. SNB also have to mention the risk of deflation and recession when applying the limit . President Thomas Jordan said late last month that there was no reason to remove the limit franc exchange rate , given the economic outlook . The level of consumer prices rose by 0.1 % in November compared with last knowledge , which economists forecast a drop of 0.1 % . The price level unchanged from October , according to other data released today . The central bank has not intervened in the currency markets more than a year , officials said the SNB . Fiscal reserves , calculated according to the standards of the International Monetary Fund at the beginning of each month , hitting an all-time high at 444 billion francs in May. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 6, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 6, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK) British Society Estimate Inflation Rises Friday, December 6, 2013 British Society estimates that inflation will rise but most still hold on to the message from Bank of England Governor Mark Carney that interest rates will not rise in the near future even if the economy recovers , according to a survey on Friday . The results of the poll by the BoE showed inflation expectations for the next 12 months rose to 3.6 % from 3.2 % in August . The number of people who predicted the BoE interest rates are at a record low until next year will still be less than in August , 43 % compared with 49 % . However , recent data still the second highest level since the survey began in 1999 , according to the BoE . 34 % of respondents expect interest rates will rise , increasing from 29 % in the last three months but less than the average 52 % in 2010 as economic growth strengthened last time . Carney served as governor of the BoE in July and a month later the BoE said it would not consider raising interest rates until unemployment fell to 7 % , seeks to provide confidence for households and businesses to shop and trigger recovery . Carney has said that the sharp rise in energy rates in recent weeks may have led to rising inflation expectations . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mynameisandhy Posted December 9, 2013 Author Report Share Posted December 9, 2013 News and Review of European Economic Zone (Germany) German Industrial Output in Early Disappointing Q4 Monday, December 9, 2013 German industrial sector recorded a disappointing start at the beginning of the 4th quarter , following a surprise drop in volume production in October . Which indicates if the largest economy in Europe is still facing a bumpy road toward recovery phase is stable . Report of the Ministry of Economy on Monday showed October industrial output slumped 1.2 % from the previous month , which confront expectations of a 0.8% rise economists . The slump was triggered by manufacturing and construction productivity is lower. Manufacturing output fell 1.1 % in October from September , while construction output fell 1.7 % . However, the Ministry of Economy still remain optimistic about the increase seen in business sentiment indicators , and estimate the " productivity of German industry will increase in the coming months . " Overall, German industrial output was slightly higher than the previous year . Total output rose 1.0 % in October this year from the same month last year . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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